The best and worst antivirus you can install on your computer


If you want to protect your computer, get a good antivirus.

Last updated on 28/11/2020 at 21:01

Although we have always defended that mobile operating systems like Android are not worth it or need to install any antivirus, We can’t say the same for other platforms like Windows.

And not because Microsoft’s operating system is insecure, but because it is so popular it is the victim of many attacks by cybercriminals. And since prevention is better than cure, it never hurts to have a good antivirus installed on our computers.

But be careful, because not all antivirus on the market are the same and although most are sufficient for the use that an average consumer can give to their computer, some cannot be recommended even to our worst enemies.

These are the best and worst antivirus we can install on our computers


These are the best and worst antivirus according to AV Test

From time to time AV Test publishes a comprehensive analysis with the best and worst antivirus for home use. On this occasion they analyzed a total of 22 antiviruses in the last months of September and October giving the following results. All by the way, used with their basic configuration and on a Windows 10 computer.

Of the 22 products analyzed, a total of 18 obtain the Top Product label, or what is the same, they are really recommendable antivirus and perfectly fulfill their purpose, which is to protect computer equipment from viruses and other possible threats.

This list includes famous and veteran antiviruses such as AVG, Avast, Kaspersky, Bitdefender and even Microsoft’s antivirus, installed as standard in Windows 10, Defender. These antiviruses are sufficient in both paid and free versions for any user, so you can use any of them.

Plus, if you don’t want to spend any money, Microsoft Defender is a great option, not just because it’s completely free, but also because it hardly affects the performance of our computers.


IF you want to protect your computer from viruses and other threats, it is best to install a good antivirus

On the other hand, there are other antiviruses that haven’t worked very well. For example, popular Malwarebits software does not receive the AV test quality seal when it receives a 5 for usability. On the other hand, Smart Antivirus 2.0 is the worst antivirus we can install today with a rating of 2.5 in protection, so unless the person you recommend it to falls very badly, better avoid it.

In short, there are many more than decent alternatives so in the end it all depends on our personal tastes, the price of these antivirus and how it affects the performance of our computer. On the other hand, the myth that Windows Defender isn’t a good antivirus has been debunked for years, so if you don’t want to bite your head, you can use it with no problem. Furthermore, as we have already said, it is installed in Windows 10 and is completely free.

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