Quebec that are biologically different from Canadians?


It is certainly the most hallucinating phrase of the pandemic.

Extraordinary and dangerously stupid.

When we asked Quebec’s director of public health, Dr. Horacio Arruda, why 1.2 million rapid screening tests had slept in a warehouse for a month, he replied (tie your hat with a pin, what hair, your hairpiece may come off):

“It’s not because a test is approved by Health Canada that it automatically reaches the standards we want to have …”


You read right.

The rapid screening tests have been approved by Health Canada … but in Quebec, we have to do our own tests to find out if they are effective enough FOR US.

Uh …

What is this misplaced nationalism?

Are we in an urgent situation, yes or no?

What’s the deal? Do Quebeckers have a different biology from that of Canadians? Different lungs, a different respiratory system, are we also distinct in our organs, in our cells?

When the vaccine is finally available, will we have to produce vaccines SPECIFICALLY for Quebec?

Vaccines from here, made by people from here, for people from here?

And wait a second …

I’ll take the passport from the desk drawer to check something.

Yes, as I suspected, it is written in black and white: I am a Canadian citizen, living in Canada!

And these rapid screening tests have been approved by Health CANADA!

Therefore …!

We have seen and heard amazing things during this pandemic, but we are hitting rock bottom here.

It’s like when Quebec decided to avoid the Canadian tracking application and, after a few months … adopt it!


I understand that in Quebec, we don’t like being told what to do from Canada, but here we are in the midst of a GLOBAL pandemic!

This is no time to play flag wars!

We complained that the federal government sent us rapid screening tests, Ottawa sends us 1.2 million of these tests and there we let them sleep in a warehouse … time to test them to see how they meet our standards?

Do you want to laugh at me?

I don’t like Canada very much, but food, it’s not a third world country!

If these tests are good enough for citizens of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut, they must be good enough for us, right?

Unless we were created in the laboratory by aliens and our DNA is totally different from that of the rest of the human population?

Since I don’t understand why we don’t allow French pulmonologists to treat the lungs here …

There, should we test the tests produced in the country we live in?


Meanwhile, teachers and nurses look forward to these tests.

Pinch someone, I’m dreaming …

No wonder Trudeau wants to interfere with our healthcare system!

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