Vaccination in Spain: 15 groups in three phases


The Spanish Ministry of Health has divided the country’s population into 15 groups that will be vaccinated against the coronavirus in three successive stages.

The first two vaccination phases will take place from January to June and the third phase is expected to take place during the summer. This classification established by the Ministry of Health takes into account several factors, including: the risk of serious morbidity, exposure to the virus, socio-economic impact and the possibility of transmission.

The first group, which will be vaccinated as a priority, is the only one to be detailed for the moment. It affects about 2.5 million people, and includes: residents and health and social personnel of residences for the elderly and disabled, the rest of the health personnel and dependents who are not in EHPAD, explained the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa , at a press conference to report on the vaccination strategy.

Illa also indicated that the other groups defined by the technical team are: high risk but also medium or low risk people, people living or working in communities or closed environments, vulnerable populations due to their economic situation, people with “essential” jobs , the entire teaching population and the entire population of children, adolescents and young people over 16 years of age.

Source: EFE

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