You won’t believe a doctor who holds an inspection committee in Luxor at his clinic


In a freak incident, one of the inspection committees of the Luxor Governorate Health Directorate was subjected to the doctor who locked them at the gates of his private center to escape after they were released to several violations following a license failure at a center.

Details of the incident:

The details go back to the fact that Luxor’s Director of Security Major General “Issam Yassin” received a report indicating that a committee of the Governorate’s Directorate of Health Affairs had been detained in an unlicensed lithotripsy center. for Dr. AM He took refuge after she had done so, running away from anyone who imagined he could get away with it.

When the report was drawn up, the director of Luxor Security ordered the security forces to move and they were able to storm the center and remove the committee, and an incident report was made while the Prosecutor conducted the investigation into the incident.

Close Free Therapy Administration:

In the middle of last June, Luxor governorate witnessed the incident of the closure of the free care department in the direction of health affairs even in a medical center within the city, after the director was infected with the new Corona virus ” Covid 19 “, and this has been demonstrated by medical analyzes and examinations of all. Doctors in Luxor Governorate, and it turned out he had Corona and it was decided to transfer him to the quarantine hospital, but he has preferred home isolation since late last month.

The Free Treatment Administration formed a specialized team at the time of the discovery of the incident and they wore protective suits and took all precautionary measures to protect themselves from infection, and they had already been transferred to the doctor’s medical center to implement the decision to close it, and I was surprised by the presence of the doctor who visits an elderly woman and contains the center A certain number of patients was needed and the doctor had spoken to the doctor to implement the decision, and that was what had already been done and all patients present and their relatives in tow were taken out and the clinic was completely closed and sealed until an unexpected surprise occurred.

After health authorities waxed the clinic, people around were surprised that the coronavirus-infected doctor removed the wax from his clinic after it was closed by the administration, then he was investigated by the public prosecutor’s office after violating the law

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