The professor. Mohamed Mohieldin writes: The blessing of health is the backbone of life


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God has blessed us with many blessings, and the blessing of health and well-being is one of the greatest blessings for us and among the causes of human happiness. When a person is healthy and free from disease, he is in great blessing, unfortunately only those who have lost it will realize it, because it is a blessing that only the soul is satisfied with and the individual can enjoy life.

As for the spine, it is the pillar of the human being who cannot stand without it, that axis around which the parts of the body are centered, thanks to which we can carry out our work and our daily tasks, and through it you can control the ability to sit, stand and walk, as well as preserve the heart and lungs, inside the rib cage that connects with them from the back, it also works to distribute the weight of the body on the lower limbs, thus maintaining the balance and strength of the human being, maintaining the balance of the head, chest and pelvis, thanks to its unique composition, and any defect or problem affecting the spinal area affects the rest of the body, and therefore the human being Appreciate that blessing by preserving it and keep away from anything that can negatively affect or weaken it.

There are many factors that can affect the health of the spine, most of which are caused by some of the bad habits and practices that many people fall into and which greatly affect the health of the spine, such as obesity which affects pressure on his vertebrae and, of course, sit firmly. Wrong, in tired positions of the muscles and vertebrae and hunched back while walking, along with some bad sleep habits like sleeping on the stomach and back and hypertension, which causes the blood not to reach the muscles of the neck and brain. In addition, smoking is one of the most important factors that lead to the dryness of the cartilage and its premature aging. The diseases that affect this area of ​​the body differ, the most famous of which are herniated disc, osteoporosis of the vertebrae. , narrowing of the vertebral canals and others ..

Even if a person is suffering from some problem, God forbid, there is no need to worry much, as medicine progresses every day and scientific research is constantly evolving, and there are new ways to treat spinal cartilage pain, with non-surgical methods, such as methods of limited intervention of the spine, by injection Cartilage between the lumbar vertebrae with plasma derivatives rich in growth factors, which helps to regenerate tissues, as this new derivative is characterized by this which leads to results far superior to normal plasma derivatives, which have been used in all other specialties, as well as a large number of interventions The modern structure that keeps the spine intact.

But, as they say, prevention is better than cure and to prevent all of this, you need to change your lifestyle and follow some positive behaviors and practices, such as a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, maintaining an ideal healthy weight. and follow personal safety instructions when moving, lifting or moving things, and it doesn’t have to be. Forget exercising, as it strengthens your muscles and avoids looking at the phone too long in the wrong position or sitting wrong for long periods of time. Keep the great blessings that God has given us and give them as they should be.

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