Vitamins useful for strengthening immunity in winter … don’t give them up


During the winter, viruses abound all around us and the immune system remains the main resistance to numerous winter diseases. Therefore, the person needs a healthy and proper diet to keep the immune system functioning efficiently and to ensure that the body is not deficient in essential vitamins or minerals.

Cynthia El-Hajj, Doctor of Nutrition and Dietetics, will inform you about the following vitamins to strengthen immunity in winter:

Dr. Cynthia El Hajj
Dr. Cynthia El Hajj

Immunity is essential

Dr. Cynthia El-Hajj points out that “fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamins and antioxidants, because they strengthen the body’s immune system and increase its resistance to viral diseases, which can be replaced by sauerkraut, which they contain a high content of vitamin C and bacteria useful for the intestine “.
We must focus on the importance of vitamin D, which the body usually suffers from deficiency in the winter season, due to the short daylight hours, and a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to sleep disturbances and depression, and in this case the system nervous may need a traditional supplement, which is magnesium with vitamin B6. This adds to the need to contain protein-rich daily foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. Because a low level of protein in the body can lead to a decrease in immunity.

Vitamins are indispensable in the winter season

You need more vitamins in the winter
You need more vitamins in the winter

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And Dr. Cynthia Al-Hajj goes on to say, “Fruits aren’t the only ones lemon, orange, grapefruit and others are the only source of vitamin C that strengthens the immune system. Autumn vegetables also contain this vitamin; this seems not to be. be the only one to strengthen the immune system, but there are other vitamins and minerals. ” Important in this area such as vitamin D, vitamin A, the mineral selenium and the mineral zinc.

Vitamin C is very important for the growth and repair of bones, teeth, skin and other tissues and is effective in preventing colds and flu, as it facilitates the absorption of iron in plant foods, protects cells from damage, reduces the risk of some cancers and chronic diseases and prevents infections by improving AND strengthens the immune system. This vitamin is found in peppers, broccoli, cabbage, oranges, clementines, kiwis, strawberries, mangoes, guavas and others …

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins that the body needs, as it plays an important role in regulating calcium metabolism, it also allows for the increase in the activity of white blood cells and the elimination of bacteria, and the production of anti-infection and anti-inflammatory materials. This vitamin is found in fatty fish (sardines, salmon, mackerel …) calf liver, egg yolks …

B vitamins help the body obtain energy in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and contribute to the functioning of the nervous system, as well as helping to produce red and white blood cells and strengthen skin, nail and hair cells.
These vitamins are found in whole grains (wheat, rice, corn, red meat, poultry, fish, liver, mushrooms, eggs, cheeses …

Magnesium is considered one of the most important minerals needed to cope with cold, stress and depression, as this mineral is involved in many vital processes in the human body, as it participates in more than 300 chemical reactions, and is important for the transmission of nerve impulses and the normal work of the nervous system, as well as to relax the muscles of the body And the production of energy within the cells, besides it helps to reduce fatigue.
Sources of magnesium are found in whole grains, nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts …) spinach, avocado, black chocolate, fish and seafood, red meat and dairy products.

Iron is one of the fundamental and essential elements of the human body, as it is included in the composition of hemoglobin in the blood, which in turn allows the transport of oxygen to all parts of the body. In the case of iron deficiency, or what is called anemia, this leads to severe fatigue and a weakened immune system. Iron is found in white and red meat, liver, fish, legumes (beans, beans, lentils, dried peas …), whole grains (rice, wheat, oats …), nuts, eggs and dairy products.

Zinc is an important mineral as it plays a vital role in the production of many enzymes within the human body, improves the immune system and also contributes to reducing fatigue and increasing the body’s energy by helping metabolize carbohydrates. Zinc is found in red meat, poultry, liver, fish, shellfish, wheat, nuts and tea.

Fatty acids are one of the vital elements in the production of white blood cells specialized in the production of antibodies, as well as having an anti-inflammatory function. Fatty acids are found in fish (tuna, sardines, salmon …), oil seeds, eggs, meat … “.

Strengthen the immune system in winter

Dr. Cynthia Al-Hajj confirms that “vegetables play a healthy and effective role in strengthening the immune system during the winter season because they contain many vitamins, and we mention, for example, cabbage, which is one of the most types of vegetables. which contain nutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamin K, vitamin C and antioxidants, It also contains protein in large quantities, making it a substitute for animal protein and suitable for those looking to lose weight.
As for spinach, it is one of the most protein-rich vegetables, as well as being rich in iron, magnesium, vitamin B and carotenoids that strengthen the immune system and are useful in cancer prevention.
Red cabbage is an autumn vegetable very rich in vitamins, especially since 200 grams of it cover the body’s daily requirement of vitamin C, it also contains zinc in good quantity, and is ideal for those who follow a diet with the aim of reducing weight due to its lack of calories.
As for the beetroot, it contains an antioxidant (betanin) which strengthens the immune system and protects the body from infections from diseases, it is also rich in vitamin C, zinc and selenium.
There is no doubt that the immune system needs vitamin A to increase the efficiency and strength of its work, so the deficiency of this vitamin weakens immunity and increases the risk of infectious diseases, and it can be found in everyone types of meat, milk and its derivatives, green leafy vegetables and oranges.

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