These herbs can help you control your blood pressure! | Health | A must for better health | DW


According to the German Robert Koch Institute, a person suffers from hypertension when the blood pressure becomes 90/140. Chronic hypertension has serious consequences that can even be death. Constant pressure on the heart and potential changes in the arteries can lead to dangerous symptoms that can range from vision loss to strokes or heart attacks. It is estimated that more than 600,000 people die from hypertension in Germany every year.

However, despite the severity of this disease, adhering to a correct and parallel diet such as vegetables, fruits and fish helps to control the rate of blood pressure and thus to overcome the dangerous complications that can occur due to high blood pressure.

There is also a group of herbs that help lower blood pressure published by the website. So what are these herbs?


There is a large percentage of eugenol in this plant, which is actually an aromatic chemical compound, but has the ability to lower blood pressure. It also inhibits calcium and thus protects against deposits that can form in blood vessels


Parsley contains a high content of carotenoids, which makes it highly nutritious and healthy. Carotene, for example, gives carrots the yellow color and has the ability to lower blood pressure.


The most important substance in thymus is rosmarinic acid, as it is anti-inflammatory and lowers blood pressure.

And as is medically known, people who combine excess weight with hypertension have a hard time treating internal infections, so the rosmarinic present in the thymus can be a help for them.

the garlic:

Garlic contains sulfur compounds, especially allicin, which are very effective in lowering blood pressure.


Cardamom, or cauliflower, as it is called in the Maghreb region, contains a large amount of antioxidants that lower blood pressure and is also an effective calcium inhibitor, which protects blood vessels from deposits.

It has been said that obesity and continuous stress are the main causes of hypertension, in addition to the high consumption of salt. Therefore, the Robert Koch Institute for Disease recommends that the daily salt intake does not exceed five grams, as stated on the German website Punt.

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