PlayStation 5 records your voice when you win a trophy


If you are one of the people who jump up and scream and jump for joy when you get a new trophy in yours PlayStation 5Maybe you don’t like the idea that your console is recording you.

PS5 Trophies

It is no secret to anyone PlayStation 5 records a video every time you unlock a trophyBut if you have the microphone or have one of those headphones that can’t be turned off, it will record your voice too.

A user on Reddit shared a clip of Demon souls where he won a trophy and his shouts of joy were also recorded in the clip:

Souls first player. I didn’t realize that the PS5 records audio from your microphone every time you get a trophy. Oops. from r / PS5

Many readers have disabled the recordings When it comes to unlocking trophies, this is because they can take up a large amount of space and the PlayStation 5 doesn’t have much room to say, so it’s entirely understandable.

What can you do to prevent your voice from being recorded? It’s very simple. If you want the clip to continue recording but don’t want your voice to be recorded, you can turn off the microphone (if your headphones allow it) or you can disable the microphone for your recordings from the PlayStation 5 system settings.

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