Health. A food supplement implicated in several acute hepatitis


On retailer sites, Chewable Hair Vitamins® dietary supplement is described as a strawberry blackcurrant chewing gum, which contains key ingredients for healthy hair.

But the alert launched by the National Health Security Agency (ANSES) reminds us that taking food supplements is never trivial.

In fact, the Agency reports the case of 2 women aged 29 and 36.

They both developed acute hepatitis after taking this product. “They had to be hospitalized and one of them needed an emergency liver transplant. Both were taking oral contraceptives, “ANSES reports.

Which explains that “the responsibility of the food supplement in the onset of these two severe acute hepatitis was very likely. Several hypotheses are possible: a complex effect of the combination of the many ingredients of the product, an interaction with other substances, in particular those contained in oral contraceptives … “


For chewable vitamins for hair® and all food supplements, ANSES recommends:

Report to a healthcare professional any side effects that occur as a result of the consumption of a dietary supplement.

Respect the conditions of use set by the manufacturer.

Avoid multiple, prolonged or repeated intakes of food supplements throughout the year without consulting a health professional (doctor, dietician, etc.).

Be very vigilant about allegations of abuse.

Be very vigilant about purchasing products sold on non-traditional channels (internet, gyms, etc.) and without individual advice from a health professional.

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