Does Eating Sugar Cause Cancer?


Some people think that eating sugar causes cancer or worsens cancer. You may have heard the phrase “sugar fuels cancer”. This concept may lead you to wonder if you should stop eating sugar for fear of fueling the growth of cancer cells or for fear of developing cancer in the future, but this is not the case, according to the website, “Cliffend Clinic.”

Research supports the idea that cancer cells consume more sugar than normal cells, but there is no conclusive evidence that consuming sugar causes cancer to grow or spread faster or that eliminating sugar prevents it.


However, this doesn’t mean that a high-sugar diet is healthy for you: Eating more calories from sugar has been linked to weight gain, obesity and diabetes, all of which are risk factors for cancer.

All the cells in our body, including cancer cells, need sugar (glucose) for energy.

Our body has many backup strategies to keep blood sugar levels normal even without eating carbohydrates.Your body produces sugar from other sources, including protein and fat.


During cancer treatment and recovery, our body needs energy if you limit your diet assuming it will help, then you may actually be depriving yourself of the energy sources needed to fight cancer.


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