Samsung managed to break the record it couldn’t beat in 6 years


Samsung has been on the agenda with its success for a while. Earlier this month, we shared news for you. In this news SamsungIt has sold more smartphones than Apple in the US market for the first time since the second quarter of 2017. After this success The highest profit for Samsung smartphones in 6 years reached up. Samsung profit draw attention with.

Samsung comes to the fore with the profit it makes

Samsung Electronics had a successful third quarter this year, and the company recorded the highest smartphone profit share in the global market in six years, outperforming other big brands in select regions. As mentioned in the first paragraph, Samsung, which has managed to overtake Apple after a long time in the US, has also managed to overtake Xiaomi in the Indian market.

Samsung, in the third quarter of 2020 compared to the same period last year An acceleration from 18.8 to 32.6 percent caught. This also marks the highest profit share in six years, as it saw a 37.9% dividend in the second quarter of 2014. Showing that it’s not one of the tech companies to have problems with the coronavirus, Samsung is going full steam ahead. .

Samsung profit

Applewith a dividend of 60.5 percent the most profitable smartphone brand in the world We don’t go without stating that it continues to be. Apple around the same time last year Market profit reduced from 66.9 to 60.5 even though he still sits in charge.

Apple saw a drop in operating margins with the launch of the new iPhone 12 series. On the other hand, Samsung recorded an operating margin growth from 11% in the third quarter of 2019 to 14% in the same quarter of this year, according to the SamMobile report based on Strategy Analytics data.

Samsung profit

Likewise, Samsung Electronics’ share of global smartphone revenue is 22.6% while that of Apple turnover share 29.5 per cent happened. On the market share side, we see that Xiaomi has a market share of 14.1% and 12.7%, with Chinese tech giants like Huawei. Apple has a market share of just 11.9% in the third quarter of this year.

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