Coronavirus: Coronavirus The “ Gag Order ” in Wuhan: doctors cannot talk about the initial phase of the pandemic


COVID-19 :

Japanese news agency Kyodo reported a few days ago that The Chinese authorities had launched a “gag” with which the doctors of the city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus started last year, they couldn’t say a word about what was the start of what turned into a global pandemic in March. “They were warned that they could be punished for espionage if they revealed what had happened during the initial phase of the outbreak. “, view the publication.

According to the same communication agency, Chinese government to avoid external investigations into the origin of COVID-19 It has already infected more than 61 million people around the world. “A Wuhan doctor said health officials told him he would be punished by law if he disclosed his experience, and if he was charged with spying, he could be sentenced to death. The academic institutions of the city have tried to follow him. virus and treatment of the infection, but the authorities had to cancel the plan “Kyodo ensures.

An “order gag” with background

This “gag order” recalls the one imposed on the famous ophthalmologist Li Wenliang, who died last February due to COVID, and who which they hushed up in December when they wanted to express their concern about the virus. “With the censorship of Li Wenliang and other doctors, many of us discovered that Wuhan politicians had ordered that the truth be hidden from us so as not to create panic among the population. Everything would certainly be different if the population had been informed from the beginning “, a Wuhan neighbor provided this newspaper.

“No information was to be hidden. What happened is that we delayed communicating what was happening in Wuhan “, replied a health official from the central Chinese city.

Chinese authorities say COVID-19 comes from abroad

The world is getting closer December 31st, the date of the anniversary of the first declaration of the Chinese authorities on the coronavirus. Now the main headlines of the Beijing-controlled press: “The coronavirus didn’t start in Wuhan, but it could come from abroad thanks to frozen food.”

Chinese authorities have long been looking for reasons to clear themselves from the outbreak of the coronavirus: “At least 10 Chinese cities have found that the inner or outer packaging of imported frozen foods is contaminated with coronavirus, such as beef from Brazil, pork knuckle from Germany, and shrimp from Brazil and Saudi Arabia, which show that the virus it can stay I lived a long time at a low temperature “, reported in a press release dated Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

The official magazine of the Chinese Communist Party, “People’s Daily”, said in a statement stating: “All available evidence suggests that the virus did not start in Wuhan. “

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