SIC Woman | Kate Middleton shines again in her mother’s dress


Despite being confined, the Dukes of Cambridge continue to work daily from home, Kensington Palace and Kate Middleton is committed to always giving the best of himself. Although sometimes criticized for being too formal, the prince’s wife William he seems to feel at ease in that register, so much so that, even in the comfort of his home, he bets on creations that have already given him great praise.

In one of the most recent videos (look down) shared on Instagram the royal couple – more active than ever in this social network -, the Duchess, who was elected the second most elegant woman in the world, bet on an electric blue dress with buttons in front with which we also saw her mother, Carole Middleton, on some occasions.

The first time Kate Middleton used it in public was in 2012, two years before her mother introduced it. Accessories, a wide belt and black shoes also look the same. Now take a look:

Kate and Carole Middleton

Kate and Carole Middleton

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