7% of hospitalized patients suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder


For nearly a year, the Covid-19 epidemic has claimed the lives of nearly 1.5 million people around the world and disrupted the lives of millions more. In addition to the purely health aspect, this epidemic also had a significant impact on the French from a psychological point of view.

Thus, according to a study conducted on 180 patients at the Lille university hospital, the results of which were revealed in the columns of the Parisian, 33% of patients admitted to intensive care due to Covid-19 experienced an episode of psychological distress after the diagnosis of the disease.

Worse still, 7% of 180 patients developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) one month later. In this study, psychiatrist Mathilde Horn points to this “the percentage of post-traumatic stress is equal to that of major natural disasters”. The Parisian newspaper states that during the dramatic 2004 Sumatra tsunami, between 6 and 13% of the population suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.

“In Lille, the most affected are patients with a psychiatric history and those who have undergone intensive care, hence the need for therapy. Some, in good health, found themselves exposed to death during the night. suddenly they realized their vulnerability. It’s extremely violent. “, indicates the doctor.

Globally, the study of the psychiatric section of the journal The Lancet, published on November 9, reveals that 18% of patients hospitalized for a Covid-19 infection have developed symptoms of depression and stress.


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