VIDEO. American saves a 3 month old puppy from alligator jaws


the essential
On Friday, November 20, a 74-year-old Florida resident did not hesitate to jump into the water to save his cub, who was attacked by an alligator.

On Friday, November 20, Richard Wilbanks, a resident of the city of Estaro, Florida (United States), was walking quietly in his garden with his cub when he was hit by an alligator. The 74-year-old retiree didn’t hesitate to jump into the pond to try and save his dog, a three-month-old Cavalier King Charles.

“It came out of the water like a missile,” said Richard Wilbanks CNN . “I never thought an alligator could be so fast (…) The adrenaline or instinct hit me, and I automatically jumped into the water.” The scene was filmed by surveillance cameras.

In the images, Richard Wilbanks can be seen fighting the alligator and opening the animal’s jaws. An “extremely difficult” operation, said the pensioner.

The pup came out with a puncture wound in the stomach. As for Richard Wilbanks, he was bitten in the hands and had to go to the doctor for a tetanus vaccine booster.

You’ll never be as strong as this guy saving a puppy from being eaten by an alligator without dropping the cigar you’re smoking

– Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) November 22, 2020

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