“An entire sector has stopped”


The singer Delia reacted to the controversy arising from the signing of the letter with which dozens of artists asked for help from the state, in the context of the pandemic. She explained that the letter is not about her, but about the entire music industry, including the people behind the scenes, the technical staff, and that she will not remain indifferent even if she has no problems with money.

“IT’S NOT ABOUT ME! This is an entire industry that has stopped! Of instrumentalists, dancers, sound engineers, technicians, invisible people behind the scenes who make things possible at every event!”

I will not remain indifferent just because I am not at the lower limit of existence. It is absolutely NORMAL to support such a petition for the sector to which I belong. I will continue to do so. Together we will be able to overcome this period, “writes Delia.

Over 90 Romanian artists, including Delia, Antonia, Carla’s Dreams, Connect-R, Florin Ristei, Horia Brenciu, Inna, Loredana, Paula Seling, Smiley, Stefan Banica, Vama and Voltaj, addressed an open letter to the Prime Minister in which calls for the inclusion of artists in the state aid scheme intended to support the cultural sector.

In the open letter, addressed to both the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Culture, the artists underline that “the existence of the cultural sector depends not only on the organizers of the events, but above all on the artists”.

Read also: Loredana, Horia Brenciu and Holograf ask the government to be included in the state aid scheme. Who are the other artists who want funding from the state


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