This food you eat every day is dangerous


In most breakfasts you will find some of these foods: fruit juices, milk, toast with jam or spread, yogurt … but also and above all cereals! The flagship product of morning meals, however, it is very often unhealthy. In any case, this is what Michel Cymes says.

This November 19, 2020, at RTL Matin, Michel Cymes wanted to “warn against the traditional bowl of cereals”. Emphasize that not all grains are bad, but you need to be very careful. The key to knowing? “The more it transforms, the less it’s good for your health,” he says.

The most popular doctor in France confided in more depth on the subject. In particular, he asked the following question: “Do you know why cereals are so crunchy?”.

“It’s because we made sure they were ventilated. In other words, we destroy the cereal matrix. All of this causes hyperglycemia, which causes the pancreas to produce insulin and ends in collapse a few hours later. In short, you think you are swallowing slow sugars but in reality, you raise your glycemic index to the maximum, ”the doctor said.

Michel Cymes is not alone in explaining that most grains are unhealthy. A 2017 Consumer Housing Framework (CLCV) survey has already highlighted this phenomenon. So how do you do it? Should we stop eating cereals? No, this is not the only solution, far from it.

Michel Cymes recommends first of all to refer to Nutriscore, which is determined according to the amount of calories, saturated fatty acids, proteins, fibers … But beware, this does not take into account how much the product has been processed or not.

So, take small doses of cereal. The doctor recommends a serving of 30 grams, while some consume nearly 100 grams every morning. Another tip, switch to oatmeal or muesli instead. And, of course, choose “no added sugar” products as a priority. If you want sugar, nothing beats fresh fruit or good juice.

With Gentside.

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