White honey tells you every bean and every meat you like … and gout is a cure for us


Some people suffer from gout, an inflammation of the joints that can cause the patient severe pain in the joints, and it is possible for a gout patient to experience these pains intermittently, which is called seizures, and these attacks must go to the specialist doctor immediately for receive appropriate treatment to prevent these attacks from recurring.

Important advice for a patient with gout

There are some important things a gout patient needs to be aware of to avoid exposure to these severe attacks, they need to be aware of the types of foods and drinks they need to avoid, and many other things.

What a gout sufferer eats

  • It is preferable to eat celery with salads daily.
  • He must also take seven dried figs to soak every day.
  • It is also preferable to take Nigella paste with the addition of white honey once in the morning and once in the evening.
  • Grapes are a very useful fruit for treating gout.

What does a gout sufferer drink?

  • He has to boil the green bean peels and eat them once in the morning and once in the evening.
  • He must also add sesame oil to the milk and take it in the morning and evening.
  • Eat more apple juice.
  • It is preferred that you take boiled licorice.

Useful recipes for gout patients

  • A gout sufferer can use cabbage leaves by making compresses on the affected areas.
  • She can also use rose paint to scrub sore spots.
  • She has to grind a cup of flaxseed and cook it with vinegar, then spread it for gout.
  • You can use boiled jasmine leaves to wash the ends.

Treat gout with honey and ginger

This recipe is one of the important and very useful recipes for gout sufferers, you can add ground ginger to the water and put them on the stove for five minutes, then remove it from the heat and add a tablespoon of lemon juice and another white honey, to be taken warm once in the morning and another in the evening.

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