A green Mediterranean diet is better for health .. Know the benefits


Recent research has found that a Mediterranean diet containing more plant matter may be better for cardiovascular health and metabolism than the traditional version, and the green Mediterranean diet contains more plant matter and very little red meat or poultry, perhaps better. For cardiovascular and metabolic health from the conventional version – at least in men, the research was published in the American Heart Journal .

According to a newspaper article TIME NOW NEWS A Mediterranean diet rich in plant-based foods is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes and is currently the backbone of dietary guidelines for warding off coronary heart disease, its effect is thought to be related to higher intake food of “healthy” polyphenols, fats and fibers and a lower intake of animal proteins. The researchers wanted to know. If a greener version of this diet, which has a higher percentage of green plant food sources and even less red meat, may be better for your health. They randomly divided 294 unstable and moderately obese (BMI 31) subjects with a mean age of 51 years into three food groups..

The first group received guidelines on promoting physical activity and basic guidelines for achieving a healthy diet, the second group received the same guidelines on physical activity plus advice on how to follow a low-calorie Mediterranean diet (1500-1800 kcal / day for men and 1200-1400 kcal / day) for women) this was low in simple carbohydrates and rich in vegetables, poultry and fish rather than red meat. 28 c / day of nuts included.

The third group received physical activity guidelines and advice on how to follow a similar green, low-calorie version of the Mediterranean diet that included 28g / day of nuts, avoiding red / processed meat and higher amounts of plant matter. It also included 3-4 cups / day of green tea and 100 grams of frozen cubes of aquatic algae, taken as whipped green vegetable protein as a partial substitute for animal protein.

After six months, the effect of each regimen on weight loss, cardiovascular risk factors, and metabolism was evaluated. Those who followed both types of Mediterranean diet lost more weight: average green 6.2 kg; Mediterranean – 5.4 kg; A healthy diet of 1.5 kg. Waist circumference, indicator of a harmful swelling of the diaphragm – an average reduction of 8.6 cm among those who follow the green Mediterranean diet, compared to 6.8 cm for those who follow the Mediterranean diet and 4.3 cm for those who follow a diet healthy. The average green diet group achieved a greater reduction in “bad” LDL cholesterol of 6.1 mg / dL, a decrease of approximately 4%.

Equivalent numbers were 2.3 mg / dL (approximately 1%) for those in the Mediterranean diet group and 0.2 mg / dL for those in the healthy diet group. Similarly, other cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors improved significantly. most significant of these. Those who follow the green Mediterranean diet, including low diastolic blood pressure, insulin resistance and an important marker of inflammation, C-reactive protein, which plays an important role in atherosclerosis, as well as the ratio of “good” cholesterol and “bad” has increased“.


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