Delia, the first reaction after the letter in which the artists ask for help from the state: it’s not about me!


The singer Delia reacts to the controversy that arose after the letter through which hundreds of artists, including herself, ask for further help from the state, in a pandemic.

Delia explained that the letter is not about her, but about the entire music industry, including the invisible, behind the scenes. The artist cannot remain indifferent, even if he has no problems with money.

Many have accused Delia of having a business and shouldn’t ask the state for money. Delia explained that she used this gesture for the people behind the scenes!

IT’S NOT ABOUT ME! This is an entire industry that has come to a halt! About the instrumentalists, dancers, sound engineers, technicians, the invisible people behind the stage who make things possible at every event! I will not remain indifferent just because I am not at the lower limit of existence. It is absolutely NORMAL to support such a petition for the sector to which I belong. I will continue to do so. Together we can overcome this period. ♥ ️ “, wrote Delia on Facebook.

Artists, strongly affected by the crisis generated by the pandemic. About 100 bands and singers are asking for state aid from the government

Over a hundred artists, including some very famous ones such as Inna, Loredana, Delia, Smiley, Ștefan Bănică Jr, Antonia, Carla’s Dreams or Paula Seling have signed and sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Romania, Ludovic Orban, but also to the Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan and the Minister of Culture, Bogdan Gheorghiu, in which he asks to be included in the state aid scheme for artists, to support the cultural sector.

Tudor Chirilă, harsh reaction after the press wrote that he had asked the government for money: “Now, free to fight! Miserable management! “

Artist Tudor Chirilă “exploded” after being criticized by the press for asking the government for financial help for him and other artists affected by the Covid pandemic.

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