Playstation 5: Mega Shitstorm for Saturn – extremely frustrated customers


Playstation 5: Weeks ago, several Saturn customers pre-ordered the new console to receive it in time for launch, but nothing came of it. The frustration is limitless.

Our sofa was the front and our patience the weapon“It is said in a federal government public relations video to contain the coronavirus *. It wasn’t until Wednesday (November 25) that the federal and state governments decided to extend the partial blockade until December 20 *. But what to do with your free time when, in the midst of the pandemic, retreating to your own four walls becomes the top priority? For avid gamers and casual gamers, the case is clear: Console on and off on the sofa! Here comes the long-awaited Start of sales for the Playstation 5 quite right. At least that’s what a lot of customers thought about Media Markt and Saturnher the PS5 before the release date pre-ordered and paid for to have.

But now everything is different, much to the frustration of customers who are eagerly awaiting the new console seven years after the release of the previous Playstation 4 model. A storm of shit opens its way.

Playstation 5: Chaos for the launch of the console in all online stores

The new one in Germany is on time on November 19th at 1pm. The Playstation 5 appeared in stores. It costs 499 euros with the drive and 399 euros in the purely digital version. The request goes beyond everything that came before: this follows the official starting shot total chaos. Within minutes, if not seconds, everyone is there Consoles sold out. One thing is certain: the rush for new consoles has them The server of almost every online store is paralyzed on the day of release.

PS5 fans signal that you do it yourself The online giant Amazon I didn’t even get to the order button in time for the start. When Now Further Playstation console it will also go on sale a week later PS5 launch uncertain.

Well, who already is Deadline for booking on September 17th assured the new console in chic design – at least that’s what many have in advance PS5 fans thought. But as HEIDELBERG24 * reports, these customers are now being deceived.

Playstation 5: Saturn Germany offends pre-order customers

Early in the morning Saturn Germany publishes this statement on the release date of the new Playstation on Facebook:

“Unfortunately we weren’t able to provide everyone with a console when the PS5 went on sale.”

Saturn Germany

The Shock for PS5 pre-orders sits deep. Even a few days after the official launch, numerous customers are still waiting for their console.

Meanwhile, more and more report Playstation buyers to the “Games Economy” online portal and they complain that it’s them PS5 package presumably delivered via DHL it was, but it never really came. According to “Games Wirtschaft”, it has not yet been possible to assess whether these are individual cases or a scandalous accumulation.

Playstation 5: Saturn frustration turns into a storm of shit

Not surprising the disappointment of some PS5 buyers knows no bounds and so now all the frustration is dumped on Playstation scandal in social networks.

Nearly 2,000 comments (as of November 26 / 2:30 pm) are counted by that alone Facebook post from Saturn – most indicate the helpless anger of waiting customers.

So also with Frank K.: „I know one thing, I will never order anything from Saturn or Media Markt again nor will I ever go into these stores. I then ordered and paid for two consoles. For one, they transferred my money back to me after weeks without email and for the second, I still don’t have confirmation of shipping. […] The worst is for the console, my son has given up his allowance for 2 years. […] Dirty shop“. One user after another lets his anger run wild; many misunderstand the tone: it’s a real storm of shit.

Playstation 5: harsh criticism of Saturn’s communication policy

True, some customers prove it Understanding bottlenecks in PS5 delivery, but at the same time you criticize them The communication policy of Saturn acute. “We not only give to Saturn etc. An interest-free loan of 500 euros, but we are also stupid without any tangible information“, He scolds another user and adds confidently:”Saturn Germany there must be compensation otherwise you will go bankrupt because nobody wants to buy from you anymore“.

In fact, the editors of “Games Wirtschaft” even have a case where a customer Criminal charges for embezzlement she asked.

Playstation 5: justified indignation against Saturn or “problem of luxury”?

On the other hand, some users may use the extension I don’t understand all the excitement and impatience. The small minority in the comment column evaluates the whole thing PS5 frustration as a “luxury problem” in the midst of the corona pandemic.

Whether it’s an angry customer or not, both camps will have to spend much of their free time on the couch in the next few weeks. Hopefully that PS5 frustration for pre-orderers it will soon end. (esk) * HEIDELBERG24 it is part of the Ippen digital publishing network at national level.

Rubriklistenbild: © Monika Skolimowska / dpa and Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc./dpa

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