The specification punishes an official who accuses an illness in order to conceal his criminal detention


The Disciplinary Court of the higher management level of the State Council ruled that the Director of one of the departments must be sanctioned by the accounts of the roads and bridges in the Central Control Organization and AF suspended the interim director of the Bir Umm Sultan Health Office in the Cairo Department of Medicine, to suspend work for a period of 6 months with half salary, for the first person who reported being absent from work despite detention pending criminal proceedings .

It was attributed to the first assignee who informed his employer of his illness through his wife in 2018, which is not true, if he was incarcerated pending the case.

And secondly, the statement he issued as the previous one indicates that the medical examination was signed on the first shop and he was granted sick leave in November 2018, unlike the real case, if it was mentioned in this period , was imprisoned, and the dowry of this declaration with the seal of the emblem of the republic of the office mentioned in his custody.

It also failed to take the prescribed measures regarding the establishment of the incoming and outgoing documentation at the aforementioned health office, as well as not creating records for the registration of sick leave at the health office. .

The sentence was issued under the guidance of Councilor Hatem Daoud, Vice President of the Council of State and of the Secretariat of Muhammad Hassan .


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