Foods Men Should Eat – Health Statement – Life


The food we eat affects health in all matters, as it is not exclusive to a specific gender, which means that there is no difference between men and women in terms of nutrition, but the question that arises is. should they eat differently?

As a man, staying healthy means eating what’s good for almost everyone: more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low-fat dairy products, according to the health website OnHel.

However, there are certainly foods that men can benefit more than females and vice versa, especially when it comes to eating healthy food that includes fruits and vegetables, but also lean meats and free or lean dairy products.

The following foods may be more beneficial for men, perhaps, in particular, those suffering from poor physical structure problems and diseases such as the prostate, according to Sky News.

Lean red meat

Normally, men eat a lot more protein on average than women, and for the most part, all of these extra proteins are healthy. To maintain the right weight, protein may be a better option than carbohydrates because a man’s body needs more calories to burn protein and it also helps build and maintain muscle.

Therefore, it is advisable to eat lean red meat in small quantities, and it is also advised not to eat it every day.


Cherries can help relieve strained muscle pain, as sweet and sour black cherry tinctures contain anthocyanins, which are an anti-inflammatory chemical.

Cherries can also be powerful against gout, which affects men more than women.A study showed that if you’ve had a gout attack in the past, your chances of another attack in the future are cut in half by consuming 10 cherries a day. .

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate in moderation may have some health benefits, as it can help lower blood pressure, increase circulation, and keep bad cholesterol down.

Experts advise not to eat more than one ounce a day, of course, along with eating healthy and beneficial food.


Oysters, thanks to the zinc they contain, help to increase male fertility, as zinc is essential for sperm production and also appears to increase testosterone levels.

It also helps the prostate, where zinc is present in greater quantities than anywhere else in the body except bones. If a man suffers from zinc deficiency, the chances of developing an infection or an enlarged prostate increase, as well as the risk of prostate cancer.


Avocado can help lower cholesterol and has earned a reputation as an aphrodisiac, along with many other valuable health benefits.

Avocados are high in good fats, such as nuts and olive oil, so they help raise good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol. It also contains many antioxidants, which help reduce cell damage, especially in the dark green part of the fruit near the skin.

Despite these benefits, experts warn against excessive avocado intake, as they are quite high in calories.


Eat more fatty fish like salmon, halibut and sardines, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce the risk of heart disease.

There are other ways to get omega-3 fats in your diet, but for men, fish is the safest bet.


Do your muscles hurt after exercise? Or do you feel back pain when you wake up in the morning? If so, you might want to consider ginger.
Ginger is anti-inflammatory, just like ibuprofen, it reduces swelling and has a pain relieving effect, and according to a study conducted in arthritis patients, concentrated ginger extract was found to reduce joint stiffness and pain in the body. 40% compared to a placebo.

However, adding ginger to your meals may not be enough, so experts recommend using concentrated ginger capsules.

Yogurt and milk

Just like meat, yogurt and whey contain leucine, an amino acid that helps build muscle, and dairy products help prevent osteoporosis.

In fact, consuming too much calcium can be harmful to men. A study showed that men who consumed more than 2,000 milligrams of calcium per day were more likely to develop advanced prostate cancer.

Variety of vegetables

Vegetables are among the healthiest foods you can eat. Nutritionists recommend a mixture of vegetables in the diet.

Phytochemicals are believed to increase cell health and may also be helpful in reducing the risk of cancer. But the different colors of the vegetables contain different phytochemicals. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a variety of vegetables in different colors for optimal health.

For example, orange vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C, as well as lutein and beta-carotene, and these are the nutrients that were identified in a study to reduce the risk of prostate enlargement.

As for green leafy vegetables, the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are abundant.

Whole grains rich in fiber

The average man needs a lot of fiber, or up to 35 grams per day by some estimates.
One way to get more into a man’s diet is to eat whole grains that are found in nutritious grains, and for high-fiber options look at the nutrition label on sliced ​​wheat grains and raisin bran and choose. the healthiest option.


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