a mutation would have accelerated its speed of propagation


The rapid spread of the coronavirus around the world is intriguing the scientific community, which today evokes a possible mutation of the virus that occurred immediately after its appearance.

According to several studies, a coronavirus mutation at the very beginning of the pandemic would have allowed it to spread around the world much faster.

A mutation at the origin of the pandemic

Did a simple mutation make the coronavirus very difficult to stop in humans? “614G” is the name of a mutation spotted in January in China. It may have changed everything, as geneticist David Engelthaler explains New York Times, transmitted by International mail :

“Subtle changes [dans sa séquence génétique] appear to have had significant repercussions. In the end, perhaps this mutation is responsible for the pandemic “

HowEuropa 1 explains, this “614G” mutation undoubtedly made it possible for the virus to penetrate more easily into the cells of the nose or throat and thus infect patients more quickly. A mutation that may also have allowed the virus to multiply faster in the body.

A new possible mutation?

Mutations are completely natural in viruses and usually do not affect the symptoms of the disease they cause. But these mutations can change everything about the speed of propagation.

This is a very probable scenario regarding Covid-19, as virologist Vincent Enouf, researcher at the Institut Pasteur reminds Europe 1:

It is a virus that has really caught on thanks to its ability to spread quickly. For a virus to continue spreading in the population, it needs tricks and the best tricks are mutation. It is possible that a further mutation further improves this virulence, we cannot say in advance.

New mutations are possible. However, according to virologists, the latter is not expected to have any effect on future vaccines. A vaccine is created to anticipate a broad spectrum of mutations.

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