Maradona’s lawyer criticizes the lack of medical treatment for the former footballer and the delay of the ambulance: “It was a criminal idiocy”


Matías Morla has assured that he will ask that these possible negligence be investigated in the last moments of the “Diez” alive.

The lawyer representing Diego Armando Maradona, Matías Morla, denounced this Thursday from his Twitter account that the “Diez” had gone 12 hours without receiving medical treatment in the moments before his death, and also criticized that the ambulance took about 30 minutes to get to the property where the Argentine idol was staying.

Morla, on the basis of the report produced by the Public Prosecutor of San Isidro, Province of Buenos Aires, underlined that this apparent abandonment of the ‘Pelusa’ is “inexplicable”. In that tone, he called the delay of the medical team to arrive on the scene in the middle of the emergency “criminal idiocy”.

In turn, the lawyer assured: “I ask that the consequences be investigated until the end”.

Morla’s statements come just hours after the death of Maradona, who died Wednesday after a cardiac arrest in a rented house in a private neighborhood of the Tigre party, province of Buenos Aires (Argentina).

That lawyer, together with other friends, relatives and professionals who accompanied Diego in the last part of his life, are highly criticized in the South American country: for sectors of the press and part of Argentine society, they would have brought the idol “on the wrong path” in recent years.

“Investigation into the causes of death”

The body of “Pelusa” was examined by a team of medical examiners and a file was opened under the heading of “investigation of causes of death”. The first results of the analysis of the corpse indicated that he died of “acute heart failure, in a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy. “A” which generated chronic congestive heart failure Acute pulmonary edema“.

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In addition, the prosecutors appointed for the case were in charge of taking witness statements. Thus they were able to determine that the last person to see Maradona alive was her grandson, Tuesday at 11pm (local time). And, at the time of his death, in that house were his nephew, an assistant, an employee hired for his physical safety, a nurse and a cook.

On Wednesday at 11:30 the psychologist and psychiatrist arrived and found that Diego was not responding. When his nephew and assistant tried to wake him, there were no vital signs. Then the nurse and the psychiatrist tried to revive him with CPR techniques, without success.

Meanwhile, one million citizens are expected to witness the wake of the 1986 World Cup winner at Casa Rosada, organized by the government of Peronist Alberto Fernández. Since the early hours of Thursday, thousands of people have approached the place and have lined up in the historic Plaza de Mayo to say goodbye to the South American “crack”.

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