Numerous studies over the years have shown the benefits of honey, both as an antimicrobial, but mixing honey with water and consuming it continuously has another kind of effectiveness, so it is recommended to take it on an empty stomach every morning. What are the benefits of mixing water with honey? She points
Some studies indicate that consuming honey, even in small quantities, gives a feeling of satiety, therefore doctors recommend analyzing a spoonful of honey in water and taking it daily for those who want to lose weight, as honey leads to control areas of the brain. which stimulate the feeling of need for sugar, as reported by the site “Besser Gezund Liben”. German on health and nutrition.
Medicinal benefits
Honey has multiple medical benefits, including: Arthritis Relief: A Danish study showed that patients who consumed honey diluted with water experienced joint pain within minutes.
Lower Cholesterol: Researchers have found that consuming honey diluted with water helps reduce cholesterol by up to 10 percent within two hours. Doctors recommend mixing 50 grams of honey with 480 milliliters of warm water.
Strengthen Immunity: Honey plays an important role in preventing bacteria and is one of the most important natural antibiotics. Eating honey diluted with water helps strengthen immunity and prevent various diseases, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.
Reduce the feeling of tiredness and stress: Dissolving honey in water helps to produce substances that improve brain activity and increase the activity of the body in general.
Energy drink
Markets offer many drinks that they call “energy drinks”, but they are not actually free of harmful substances. Honey is considered to be one of the best energy drinks, as honey diluted with water contains many beneficial nutrients and consuming it in the morning provides the body with energy throughout the day.
And honey mixed with water helps reduce symptoms of chest allergies and respiratory diseases and rids the body of toxins. Doctors advise to consume honey diluted with water in the morning before breakfast as a source of energy and immune reinforcement, for those suffering from kidney problems it is recommended to drink it in the evening before bedtime.
Natural antibiotics at your fingertips with no side effects
the garlic
The use of garlic in the treatment of infections dates back thousands of years and the ancients used it to treat the plague. Garlic contains compounds that are able to protect the body from harmful bacteria and to remove them, it is also rich in natural antioxidants capable of expelling free radicals and strengthening the immune system. Allicin is the most important ingredient in garlic for fighting harmful bacteria.
Natural antibiotics at your fingertips with no side effects
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver has long been used as an effective disinfectant. In the early 19th century, researcher Alfred Searle was able to confirm the role of colloidal silver in killing some dangerous bacteria without toxic effects. Note that recent studies have confirmed that colloidal silver is capable of killing bacteria that cause avian flu and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (image is symbolic)
Natural antibiotics at your fingertips with no side effects
Oregano oil
Oregano oil helps kill disease-causing bacteria without affecting beneficial bacteria, as well as its antibacterial and antifungal properties that make it a strong competitor to unnatural antibiotics. The importance of oregano oil in fighting bacteria is due to the substance “carvacrol”, knowing that oregano oil contains 70 percent “carvacrol”, which makes its effect more effective.
Natural antibiotics at your fingertips with no side effects
Echinacea herb
Echinacea has been used for hundreds of years to treat many bacterial diseases such as diphtheria, septicemia and others. Note that there are recent studies that have confirmed that this herb has the ability to kill certain types of dangerous bacteria, such as staph, and is also used in the treatment of flu and colds.
Natural antibiotics at your fingertips with no side effects
manuka honey
In addition to its delicious taste, Manuka honey is a useful natural antibiotic, it is capable of killing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and antibiotic-resistant bacteria which are characterized by their ability to eat meat. Studies have shown that these bacteria cannot resist the effective effect of honey.
Natural antibiotics at your fingertips with no side effects
Cloves are among the beneficial natural antibiotics, as well as having pain relieving properties, and the importance of cloves is due to the compound eugenol.
Natural antibiotics at your fingertips with no side effects
Turmeric has medicinal benefits that the Chinese and Indians have used in treatment for hundreds of years, as it contains a wide range of antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial and fungal materials, as well as containing anti-inflammatory materials. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can be useful in the treatment of many diseases such as asthma, colds and flu.
Author: Prepared by: Dalin Validity
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