94 deaths and over 17,000 crown cases in four days – Alcombs


The Compass – Stockholm: Sweden has recorded 94 new deaths in Corona since last Friday, bringing the total deaths to 6,500 cases. According to the latest statistics from the Public Health Authority.

The number of confirmed cases of the virus in the country has risen to 225,560 cases, an increase of 17,265 cases from last Friday.

The number of Corona patients in intensive care units currently stands at 192, bringing the total number to 3,000 and 125 patients so far. The number of Corona patients in the rest of the hospital wards is currently over 1000 patients.

State councilor for epidemiology Andsch Tegnell said in a press conference today that the infection rate in Sweden has reached 611 cases per 100,000 people in the past 14 days.

“The situation in Sweden is dangerous and we are seeing a wide spread of the infection across much of the country,” added Tegnell, pointing to an increase in the number of deaths from the disease recently.

“A slight decrease in the number of injuries has been observed, and this may be due to strict local instructions, but it is still too early to breathe a sigh of relief,” Tegnell said.

As Thomas Linden of the Department of Care said

Social “The burden on intensive care units in the country continues to increase”.

Linden pointed out that 11 provinces have declared a “state of emergency among employees”, while 5 provinces have declared a “state of reinforcement”, which is a higher degree of preparedness, adding: “We expect the situation to worsen further. in the short and long term “.

“Given our high levels and growing pressure on health care, it’s important that we continue to work to flatten the disease curve,” said Tegnell.

“We have not yet reached the peak of this epidemic,” he added. It is expected that it will continue to develop further. “

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