“The ball is not stained”: The 15 ‘Maradonian’ phrases added to the football dictionary


Diego Maradona has had countless events in front of the microphones. Thousands of Argentines regularly use them to explain the situations of everyday life.

Diego Armando Maradona passed away this Wednesday and, in addition to his memorable footballing prowess, the idol will be remembered for expressions that have already become popular in Argentine society, and that are also used by thousands of people to explain everyday situations.

Among these events, described as “Maradonian” phrases, there are some that have become known even to those who do not like football.

1)I made a mistake and paid, but the ball doesn’t get stainedThis comment from ‘Pelusa’ marked a before and after for football lovers. It was in his farewell match, in 2001, inside the Boca Juniors stadium (Argentina). In this way, in front of thousands of fans, he made a parallel between the disturbances of his personal life and sport.

2) Believe me, they cut off my legs“.He told local reporter Adrián Paenza when he was withdrawn from the 1994 World Cup for his positive doping case. Maradona has always argued that there was a conspiracy against him for publicly denouncing FIFA’s irregularities.

3) The turtle escaped“. Diego recalled when a turtle belonging to the son of the former US ambassador, James Cheek, got lost in the house of his friend. Since then, that phrase has been repeated to make mistakes in situations that seemed easy, like losing a match to a weaker opponent.

4) Bush is a killer, I prefer to be friends with Fidel“. In 2003, in China, Maradona stressed his stance against Washington and linked to the Latin American left. In particular, Diego has always had sympathy for the Cuban revolution and even had a tattoo of “Che” Guevara on his arm.

5) I grew up in a private neighborhood in Buenos Aires. Without electricity, water and telephone“The ‘Diez’ humorously recalled the poverty of the environment in which he had developed before starting his professional career. In Villa Fiorito, located in the Lomas de Zamora neighborhood, province of Buenos Aires, there were many structural deficiencies. .

6) Your decisions ruined the next two generations of Argentines. Take the lead, dear. Your father already said that“. At the antipodes of neoliberalism, Maradona has declared himself a staunch enemy of the former Argentine president Mauricio Macri, whom he already knew from playing for Boca when the politician ran that club.

7) Segurola and Habana 4310, seventh floor. And let’s see if it lasts 30 seconds“It was the address where Diego resided in October 1995, in the city of Buenos Aires. He said it in front of the cameras, so that Julio César ‘Huevo’ Toresani, a footballer from Colón, would go looking for him to fight. once there is a fight in a game, this phrase is repeated as a joke, in fact in Argentina there is also a radio program called “Segurola y Habana”.

8) It’s a pity you don’t have anyone, master. Fight him, be angry with him, but pity, nobody“. This iconic saying from Maradona appeared on a local TV show called “ El Equipo de Primera ”, in 2001.

9) I wanted to go to the States, but Clinton’s thermos head didn’t let me in“. In 1996, Diego expressed his anger because he was denied access to the North American country and insulted the American president.

10) When I walked into the Vatican and saw all that gold, I turned into a ball of fire“. This criticism of the Catholic Church was made in 2004.

11) I was, am and will be a drug addict“. The South American “crack” never hid its conflict with problem drug use, and that phrase was uttered in 1996.

12) It is very fast – it can put a suppository in a hare“. With this unusual comparison, Maradona was referring in 2000 to judge Hernán Bernasconi, who was investigating the appearance of cocaine in a jar owned by Guillermo Cóppola, then manager of Diego.

Diego Armando Maradona dies at 60

13) If I go to the bank it’s to make money, beast“. This irony came in 1996 when a reporter asked him before a game if he would go on the bench.

14) It is very vivid. Smoke underwater“So he described Cóppola in 2000.

15) When they say that I am God, I answer that they are wrong: I am a simple footballer. God is God, and I am Diego“. At times excessive idolatry annoyed him.

There were other less popular phrases, but after death they received more attention. In one of these, he questioned his environment: “Nor would he find dead peace. They use me in life and will find time to do so while they are dead“.

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