Ophthalmology. Mulhouse: bad year for macula screening


“Macula diseases are an emergency”, say the organizers of the Screening Days which will be held this year from November 23 to 28 in France. Located in the center of the retina, the macula plays an essential role in reading, sewing, recognizing faces or simply driving. We know about AMD, age-related macular degeneration, the main cause of vision problems in people over 50, but there is also diabetic or myopic maculopathy.

The health crisis this spring prevented patients from seeing their ophthalmologist; it is probably now dissuading them from participating in macula screening. Very few people pass through the doors of the ophthalmological consultations at the Émile-Muller hospital, of the hospital group for the Mulhouse and South-Alsace region, for this purpose since Monday. “People are confined,” recalls Dr Mohammed Zahi, ophthalmologist and hospital doctor.

The target audience: over 50 and symptoms

It should also be noted that the health protocol does not allow everyone to be welcomed this year. People under the age of 50 and asymptomatic cannot participate in screening. Who is being targeted then? Those who notice a decrease in visual acuity, the appearance of a dark central spot, distorted lines or who have blurred vision. But also patients suffering from “a chronic maculopathy and who must imperatively continue to be monitored regularly, even during an epidemic, at the risk of the disease progressing and causing damage”.

“Simple, quick and completely painless” screening

The Dr Mohammed Zahi also specifies that screening is “simple, fast and completely painless. The examination lasts from 5 to 10 minutes and various images of the retina are performed: a photograph, without prior dilation of the pupil, a tomography (OCT) of the retinal layers. The ophthalmology department also has OCTA, a device for performing non-invasive tomographic angiography. Self-checking is also possible thanks to the Amsler network, which allows you to carry out a simple test at home. For those already followed, new tools, including the OdySight app, offer “fun monitoring” through visual tests and interactive games that send email alerts.

Apply simple rules of life

You can also apply some simple rules of life to preserve the health of your eyes such as not smoking, protecting yourself from the sun’s rays with glasses and opting for a diet rich in antioxidants, carotenoids (yellow, orange and red fruits, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, tomatoes …) or omega-3 fatty acids (walnuts, rapeseed oil, salmon, tuna, sardines …).

AND ALLER National Macula Days until Friday 28 November, ophthalmology visits, ground floor of the Emile-Muller hospital, 20 rue du Dr -René-Laennec in Mulhouse (on the left immediately after the reception), Monday to Thursday from 8:15 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00 (until 16:00 on Fridays). www.journees-macula.fr

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