UEFA decision: Nati wins forfeit against Ukraine!


A comment from Andreas Böni, VIEW footballChef

The national team wins the forfeit against Ukraine. It’s nice that he stays in Group A even if he hasn’t won a single match on the pitch. But you have to say that Switzerland has been incredibly lucky.

Simply by choosing the hotel. All around the crown disease of the Nati defender Silvan Widmer and the athletic trainer were in Pratteln.

Pratteln is located in the canton of Basel-Landschaft and the canton’s doctor decided that only the two patients were to be isolated.

If the Nati had been to the Swissotel in the city of Basel, as they often did in the past, everything would have looked very different. Then it could very well be that the entire team would be quarantined. As happened at FC Basel after only one case occurred.

So there would be no match against Spain and certainly no match against Ukraine. Then Nati would threaten two forfeit defeats.

The hotels that are now deciding to demote from the Nations League are almost 10 kilometers away!

But now things have gone well from the Swiss point of view. Even if you have to say: that Ukrainians quarantined by a Swiss authority then lose the flat rate – this is absolutely not fair. But this must not be a problem for the national team.

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