How to choose a tower computer?


According to the indications you will find in this articleWe have prepared a short buying guide in which we will analyze the basic factors.

On what basis to choose a tower PC?

What use will you give?

Depending on the use, you will choose one type of tower or another:

  • Play: it is important that the team is balanced, but we will invest more in a powerful graphics card, a good processor and good RAM. It is also important to bet on a good ventilation system.
  • For layout and rendering: in this case, it is recommended to choose a computer with a good processor, with a lot of storage capacity and with ample connectivity to adapt peripherals.
  • For general use: If you are going to use it for everyday use, for surfing the Internet, watching movies or series, maybe for playing in a timely manner, you will not need to invest in a very powerful tower. We will choose a computer with an integrated operating system and good connectivity options.


The processor It is the central part of the PC. If we don’t want it to become obsolete on the first trade, it’s interesting to invest a lot at this point.

The Intel Core i7 they work very well. If budget isn’t the issue and you need something powerful, grab a file Intel Core i9.

You also have AMD alternatives, as is the case with AMD Ryzen 7 or some version of AMD Athlon.


RAM memory determines the number of programs we can have open at the same time. Nowadays it is advisable to bet on a minimum amount of RAM of 8 GB, although 16 GB is the most recommended.

If we will use the equipment for the design, we will plan to purchase quantities 32 or de 64 GB.


It is the basis on which we will arrange all the components. Ideally, purchase a motherboard for component upgrades in the future.

  • Check the amount of RAM slot it includes.
  • Analyze USB connections, audio connections and if it has built-in Wi-Fi.
  • Study the computer’s ability to connect hardware (for example, the number of hard drives that may be connected).
  • Additionally, you will need to determine if the processor you have chosen is compatible with the motherboard in question.

Graphic card

Here we have a wide variety of options. On the market we can find decent motherboards starting at a price of € 150, while some may cost us more than € 1000.

Again, we will make the decision based on how we will use the equipment. If we are talking about a gamer PC, we will invest as much money as possible in the graphics card. The same will happen if it is a PC for design.

Take these criteria into consideration and you will be able to get a tower that suits your needs. Also consider the rest of the details and it won’t become obsolete anytime soon.

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