The state releases its stock of flu vaccines in the face of exceptional demand


The government has ” available “ Pharmacies and hospitals its stockpile of flu vaccines, the Union of Community Pharmacist Unions (Uspo) announced on Monday, November 23.

Doped by Covid-19, the flu vaccination was complete, to such an extent that the state is now taking over from laboratories to deliver pharmacies.

A decree published on Sunday in Official newspaper gave the green light to the distribution of the vaccine “Purchased from the National Public Health Agency’s Pharmaceutical Institute”.

Public Health France will then be able to ship the “2.4 million additional doses” who stores and who will be “Reserved exclusively for persons affected by the vaccination recommendations in force”, specifies the Uspo. Priority will be given to residents and staff of nursing homes, the pharmacies concerned having to report their delivery needs. “From 30 November”.

For other priority patients, pharmacies must report the status of their stocks every week, in anticipation of a distribution. “At the beginning of December”.

Read also Seasonal flu vaccine: who is encouraged to take it and why

Uspo points out that the vaccination campaign launched on October 13 surpassed last year’s in a month, with nearly 10.7 million doses delivered on November 17, of which more than 91% were sold to priority people – of which 3.1 millions vaccinated directly at the pharmacy. According to the union, the latest deliveries of vaccines from laboratories are expected this week.

Article reserved for our members Read also The flu vaccine, an indirect weapon against Covid-19

The world with AFP

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