symptoms, causes, treatment and surgery


Worried about a soft lump near or inside your vagina? Finding a lump anywhere on your body can be disconcerting, but try not to worry. Vaginal cysts are a common type of vaginal lump and are usually harmless. There are several types of vaginal cysts and they usually don’t cause any symptoms. Sometimes they can become painful or infected, in which case they need medical attention.

We spoke with Dr. Shirin Lakhani of Elite Aesthetics and Dr. Deborah Lee, a specialist in sexual and reproductive health at Dr Fox online pharmacy about the symptoms, types, treatment and surgical options of vaginal cysts:

What is a vaginal cyst?

Vaginal cysts are sac-like pockets of air, fluid, or pus located on or just below the vaginal lining and while they sound threatening, they are usually nothing to worry about. “Vaginal cysts are just another type of growth that people get,” says Dr. Lakhani.

Vaginal cysts can be present from birth or develop in childhood or adulthood. The good news is that vaginal cysts are benign, non-cancerous, and rare, with a prevalence of less than 1%. Whether or not your cyst develops into a larger growth or goes unnoticed is largely a drawer luck. “Some are so small that you can hardly see them and others can reach the size of a tennis ball,” says Dr. Lakhani.

Symptoms of the vaginal cyst

Most people don’t experience any symptoms if they have a vaginal cyst. You may discover a cyst by accident. It could also be something a doctor or nurse detects during the exam for another reason, such as during a cervical screening test (smear).

However, vaginal cysts can cause one of the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort or difficulty inserting a tampon.
  • Discomfort during sex.
  • A feeling of pressure or fullness from a large cyst.
  • Pain if a cyst has become infected.

    Should you see your doctor for a vaginal cyst?

    If you suspect you have a vaginal cyst or experience pain or discomfort in your vaginal area, make an appointment with your GP so that it can be investigated.

    Your doctor will ask you how long the cyst has been present and if it is causing symptoms. They may also ask you if you’ve had any changes in your menstrual cycle, any unusual discharge or bleeding, and if you’ve had any new sexual partners. “The doctor or specialist will usually perform an examination to ascertain what type of cyst it is,” says Dr. Lakhani.

    If you suspect you have a vaginal cyst or are experiencing any discomfort, make an appointment with your GP.

    If the cyst is external, an external examination may be sufficient. However, if the cyst is inside the vagina, a device called a speculum can be inserted into the vagina to slightly open the tissues and give a clear view of the vaginal walls. This type of exam shouldn’t cause pain, but it can be a little uncomfortable at times, especially if you’re feeling nervous and tense. Make sure you let your doctor know how you feel.

    Your doctor or nurse may request some swabs to check for vaginal infections. If they are unsure of the diagnosis they will refer you to a specialist who has further access to tests such as scans or biopsies where a small sample of the cystic tissue is taken and looked at under a microscope to reach a diagnosis.

    Types and causes of vaginal cysts

    There are several types of vaginal cysts and they can be caused by a number of factors including injury during childbirth, fluid buildup in the glands of the vaginal and vulvar tissues, or benign (non-cancerous) tumors within the vagina, according to Dr. Lakhani.

    Although vaginal cysts are nothing to worry about, finding a lump anywhere on your body can be disconcerting, so if you’re unsure, make an appointment with your GP.

    The following are the most common types of vaginal cysts and their specific causes:

    • Vaginal inclusion cyst

    Vaginal inclusion cysts are the most common type of vaginal cysts, they can result from injuries sustained during childbirth. They are usually very small, so you may not even notice if you have them.

    • Gartner’s duct cyst

    Gartner’s duct cysts are benign lesions that are found in about 25% of adult women and sometimes develop into a cyst. ‘These are due to the embryonic remains of Gartner’s duct when your body formed in the uterus, ”says Dr. Lee.

    • Bartholin’s cysts

    The Bartholin glands, of which you have two, are located on each side, towards the back of the vagina, inside the labia (labia della vulva). “You are not normally aware of this, however, sometimes one of Bartholin’s glands can fill with fluid and it fails to drain leaving a fluid-filled cyst,” says Dr. Lee. ‘This can become infected to produce a Bartholin’s abscess. “Several types of bacteria can cause Bartholin’s abscess, including E. coli from the intestine and also sexually transmitted diseases, particularly gonorrhea.”

    • Mullerian cysts

    Muller’s cysts are another common type of vaginal cyst that arise from embryonic remains. They can develop “when your body has formed in utero and can occur anywhere in the vaginal walls,” says Dr. Lee.

    • Soft tissue lumps

    Any soft tissue nodules that occur anywhere in the body may also be present in the vagina, “for example, lipomas or lumps of fat and sebaceous cysts,” says Dr. Lee. “Vaginal tumors may present as lumps in the vagina, but these are usually not cysts,”

    woman covering her vagina

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    Vaginal cyst risk factors

    The age group most at risk for vaginal cysts are sexually active women between the ages of 20 and 30. Cysts are also less common in postmenopausal women. Dr Lakhani explains that this is due to the fact that “at that point the gland started to shrink.”

    Babies are typically not at risk for vaginal cysts. “Because Bartholin’s glands don’t start functioning until a person reaches puberty, Bartholin’s cysts don’t usually affect babies,” adds Dr. Lakhani.

    Can you reduce the risk of vaginal cysts? “While I’m not aware of any research that directly links vaginal cysts to lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, it goes without saying that a healthy diet and lifestyle in general is always helpful when looking for. to avoid health complications “, adds Dr. Lakhani. “So making sure you’re trying to eat a healthy, balanced diet and not being overweight will also be advisable to try and reduce your risk.”

    Vaginal cyst treatment and surgery

    Vaginal cyst treatment options vary depending on what type of cyst you have. Sometimes the doctor decides to keep an eye on a cyst and see if it enlarges or goes away on its own. Other times, they may decide that it should be surgically removed, “says Dr. Lee.

    If it is an abscess, which is usually painful, you will likely be prescribed antibiotics to deal with the infection. After it is treated, you will likely need a follow-up appointment and in some cases the cyst will need to be drained. ‘

    Sometimes the doctor will decide to keep an eye on a cyst and see if it enlarges or goes away on its own.

    An infected cyst such as Bartholin’s abscess is likely to require treatment that includes incision and drainage. For Bartholin’s gland cysts, the specialist may recommend surgery to remove the affected gland. This is usually done under general anesthesia and carries the usual risks associated with surgery, ”explains Dr Lakhani.

    Carbon dioxide lasers can be used to create an opening in the skin of the vulva so that the cyst can be drained. Alternatively, needle aspiration involves using a syringe to drain the cyst. ‘Lee adds that if a cyst is removed, there is “a small risk as always with surgery, of infection and scarring.”

    Prevention of vaginal cysts

    Can you discourage the development of vaginal cysts? It is virtually impossible to prevent the growth of a vaginal cyst, according to Dr. Lakhani. However she does suggest some lifestyle tips that May reduce the chance of getting one. “These include keeping the vagina clean and practicing safe sex to eliminate the possibility of getting a sexually transmitted infection.”

    Dr. Lee adds that if Bartholin’s cysts do occur and you receive treatment for it, the way they are treated prevents them from reforming. “After the incision, the skin flaps are stitched diagonally using a technique called marsupialization to prevent recurrence,” he says.

    Complications of the vaginal cyst

    Complications or long-term health effects from vaginal cysts are rare. “The main long-term effects of cysts are the pain and discomfort they cause and the impact this has on a person’s physical and mental health as well as their ability to enjoy sex,” explains Dr. Lakhani. “Sometimes they can get infected, but that’s not common.”

    If you leave a cyst untreated, there is a risk that it can enlarge over time, says Dr. Lee. This can become uncomfortable “as it stretches the skin and presses on other tissues,” he adds.

    Last update: 25-11-2020

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