60 million consumers define the resistance of some condoms


It is an essential element to avoid contracting a sexually transmitted infection: the condom. Now common, its use is common for millions of French people. But do all condoms have the same strength? No, according to the survey conducted by 60 million consumers. In its November magazine, the association tested the strength of 18 branded condom models, of varying thickness and material. The only point in common between all these products is that they all have the “CE” stamp, the label of the European standard.

The Manix contact is not strong enough according to the magazine

Yet, according to tests from the magazine’s teams, not all condoms are created equal. Four models did not withstand the burst or burst tests. Worse still, one of them had a hole. And we shouldn’t rely on the brand alone, as if the Manix Super are considered very durable, the Manix Contact isn’t strong enough according to the magazine.

Less problematic from a health point of view, 60 million consumers also reveals that some “ultra thin” condoms are as thick as others …

A risk of tearing that is not zero

Even with a strong condom, the risk of seeing it tear is not nil. To limit the risks, you must first check the expiration date. Latex from a condom that is too old will become porous and therefore less protective. If in doubt, the safest way is to throw it out and buy another one at a supermarket, pharmacy, distributor, or go to an association, like Aides, which distributes a million each year.

Another important point is that you shouldn’t put one condom over the other – the friction generated by intercourse increases the risk of tearing.

Emergency treatment for risky behavior

If despite all these precautions, the condom breaks, do not panic: there is a cure to be taken against the risk of HIV infection. Ideally, this should be done within four hours of reporting, within 48 hours. As specified on the dedicated page on the website of the Île-de-France region, the post-exposure treatment (TPE) is prescribed by the reception and emergency services of the hospitals around the clock who are responsible for prescribing it.

However, if it “greatly reduces the risk of virus contamination, TPE does not completely eliminate it,” the region specifies. Finally, in case of unwanted pregnancy, the woman can take the morning after pill. One tablet to be taken as soon as possible within 72 hours. As a reminder, the morning after pill is free and can be obtained at the pharmacy without a prescription and without parental consent.

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