Pharmacists want to be able to vaccinate against Covid


As French authorities ponder how to organize the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, the Federation of French Pharmaceutical Unions (FSPF) said pharmacists have volunteered to “contribute” to it.

In the midst of the flu vaccination campaign, pharmacists wanted to affirm their willingness to participate in the future vaccination campaign against Covid-19, while several laboratories announced the effectiveness of their vaccines. “We can contribute but many people will have to contribute”, Philippe Besset, president of the FSPF, said during a discussion with the director general of health insurance, Thomas Fatôme.

“If the ambition is to vaccinate 30 million people quickly enough, there will have to be several solutions”, he said, adding that the pharmacists were very good at working in coordination with doctors and nurses. “The role of doctors, pharmacists and nurses in Covid vaccination will, I believe, be important. We need this territorial network and we need this ability to do things “, claimed Thomas Fatôme.

“Success” of the flu vaccination campaign

It will be the task of the Ministry of Health, under the aegis of the Prime Minister, to define the contours of the vaccination campaign. “A work still in progress”, assured Thomas Fatôme, who is also pleased that the influenza vaccination by pharmacists has “A great success”.

Launched on 13 October, this unprecedented vaccination campaign in view of the current health context was off to a great start. “On 13 October we had a record number of vaccinations in dispensaries, with 400,000” vaccinations on the day, said Philippe Besset. “Maybe we can increase a little but not much more.”

Faced with this real vaccine race, the government has therefore reiterated the importance of giving priority to their access to vulnerable people. A question that also arises for the organization of the vaccination campaign against Covid.

[avec AFP]

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