Shadowlands is really cool, unless you really want to see it all


MeinMMO’s Cortyn is meanwhile “level finished” in WoW Shadowlands. There was only one annoying thing that was bad.

After a crazy night, I hit level 60 and I have to say that I have really enjoyed Shadowlands so far. My experiences since the beta have only improved and overall I am extremely pleased with how well the launch of WoW’s eighth expansion went. However, there is one small detail that bothers me a little. Because when leveling the shady lands don’t completely scale. This leads to strange problems.

What’s the problem? Climbing the areas of Shadowlands would not be leveling completely up to level 60. Sure, there is a fixed search order, but Blizzard has also set upper level limits for it. In Bastion, enemies and missions only scale from level 48 to 53, after which enemies and missions no longer grow with them.

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Missions only expand to a maximum limit. If you want to see it all, you will soon have green missions.

Why is it stupid? It was a bit annoying for me. My plan was to play all areas “deep” from the start and also to complete each side mission. However, this assured me of reaching level 54 in Bastion (the first area) and then suddenly I realized that the enemies and missions were producing a lot less XP. Instead of 12,000 experience points, one mission only gave me 8,000 and dropped even more to 6,000.

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Basically now you could say: “No problem, if the missions turn green, go to the next area!” – But this isn’t exactly possible in Shadowlands. Since the story is linear, I had to finish Bastion before I could move on to Maldraxxus. Again, after a good half of the missions, I had the same problem that the enemies and the missions became “green” again and therefore less useful.

WoW title title Sylvanas Shadowlands

The more I progressed in an area, the less rewarding the missions became. This ensured that the latest missions, which actually bring an action to a conclusion, turned out to be particularly bad, as they only progressed minimally in the XP bar or had weak opponents as a target. Here I would have liked all enemies to reach level 60. Lower level limits for areas could have been left like this.

So I got the impression that the game “punished” me for wanting to carry everything with me, the games and every side quest and every treasure. It had an unpleasant aftertaste.

However, I want to say that this is really just a drop in the bucket and high level grumbling. It would have rounded off the level experience a bit more if the areas had been fully scaled with the level. So you try some damping, and at least with war mode activated, it’s best to leave side missions behind and catch up only after you’ve chosen a deal.

Did you also have this problem while leveling? Or did everything work out for you without difficulty?

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