Kovid 19 vaccine testing completed worldwide


Pharmaceutical companies and research centers around the world are working on developing vaccines against covid 19, and large global clinical trials are underway on candidates, involving tens of thousands of volunteers, Reuters reports.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: depositphotos / valuavitaly

Photo: depositphotos / valuavitaly

On November 18, the American pharmaceutical company “Pfizer” and its German partner “BioNTek” announced that the final phase of clinical trials of their vaccine confirmed the efficacy of 95%, the highest of all other candidates.

Another American company, Moderna, announced on November 16 that advanced clinical trials involving large numbers of volunteers showed its vaccine to be 94.5% effective.

The Russian “Sputnik V” vaccine, the first in the world to be registered, has shown an efficiency of 92% in the advanced phase of clinical trials, and these results were published on 11 November.

AstraZeneca announced on Monday that its coronavirus vaccine, developed by scientists at the University of Oxford, could show 90% efficiency without serious side effects.

The company “Johnson & Johnson” announced that they are going to find out the results of the vaccine test later this year.

In early trials, the infection rate among volunteers was low, but it increased later in the fall, with an increase in new cases worldwide.

Photo: Depositphotos, Observer

Photo: Depositphotos, Observer

The results of the latest phase of the “Pfizer” clinical trials show that out of 43,000 volunteers, the coronavirus was confirmed in 170.

“Moderna” reported 95 cases of infection among participants in the advanced phase of clinical trials, Russia 20 and “AstraZeneca” 131.

The World Health Organization calls for clinical trials to confirm vaccine efficacy by at least 70%, the US Control and Drug Administration for 50%, while the European Medicines Agency has announced it may accept a lower grade effectiveness of the vaccine.

“Pfizer” and “BioNTek” plan to apply for an emergency use permit in the United States in the coming days.

“Moderna” also intends to apply for an emergency permit in the coming weeks. This is expected to take place in the second half of November, as soon as two months have passed since vaccine safety data was obtained among half of the trial participants, as prescribed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

This means the Food and Drug Administration is unlikely to make a decision before December.

AstraZeneca said on Monday that it will prepare test results reports immediately, which it will submit to relevant authorities around the world for conditional or early permit.

Authorities around the world will review vaccine data as it becomes available and it is still unclear when this will happen or when agencies will make a decision.

China began vaccinating employees in those areas at high risk of coronavirus infection in July. Hundreds of thousands of people have been vaccinated in this country so far.

At least four Chinese vaccines are still far from the final stages of clinical trials, including those developed by CNBG, Kansino Bajologiks and Sinovak Bajotek.

On November 18, “Sinovak” announced that the intermediate phase of the clinical trials triggered an immune response in the volunteers, but that their level of antibodies against the virus was lower than that of people cured of kovid 19.

CNBG plans to publish the results of the initial phase of clinical trials this month.

“Sputnik V” has received about 10,000 Russian citizens who risk contracting the coronavirus.

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