“All together, let’s avoid a new confinement”: the appeal of health associations and doctors


“All together, let’s avoid a new imprisonment! Health associations appeal to the Defense Council

Saving lives, saving jobs, yes you can!

The reality of the epidemic and its second confinement arouse the concerns of citizens. The prospect of a “stop and go” type trial alerts patient and user associations, healthcare professionals and, furthermore, all those working to save jobs.

All the French now know what the consequences of a third, or even fourth, epidemic would be, due to the lack of effective control of the circulation of the virus and therefore of the epidemic. They fear the consequences on health, working life, school or unemployment; Finally, the harms and impact of imprisonment affect us all with a long-term impact on health, social and economic levels. The associations that work in precariousness are already sounding the alarm. Too many people have already lost everything and the worsening of poverty in desperate families leads to the deterioration of their psychological state and the emergence of multiple pathologies.

The relatively low immunization rate of the French population should not exceed 15-20% in the most affected areas. We must prepare for a “long-term” management of the epidemic and try to do everything to bring it under control in order to avoid having to decide on new containments, certainly effective in slowing down the circulation of the virus, but also harmful for the management of other diseases and destructive of work.

A better understanding of the effects of the pandemic and the experiences of the countries that are most successful in controlling the epidemic and thus saving their social life, leads us to appeal to the Defense Council, the French seat of government during the health crisis.

Masks yes, barrier gestures yes, social distancing yes, the Tousanticovid application yes, but more developed. On the other hand, insulation as we practice it does not give results at the expected level of protection.

Faced with this potentially dark horizon, we must do everything to avoid the “stop and go” and a third imprisonment in 2021.

The publication of the first results (November 2020) of the anti-Covid vaccines should represent a solution to “end the crisis”, as soon as their effectiveness, safety and availability are guaranteed. However, even with vaccines available from January 2021, achieving collective immunity does not appear to be possible before the end of 2021, or even before 2022.

What can change to improve our future?

The arrival of antigen screening tests is a real opportunity, but alone they cannot reduce the epidemic. Only an impeccable distancing guarantees the non-spread of the virus to relatives and in the social space. On the other hand, these tests now provide us with the means to undertake the path of an organized proactive policy, necessary for the reduction of the epidemic and therefore capable of restoring an almost normal life to the French, pending immunity. necessary.

For this reason we, France Assos Santé, representatives of healthcare users, united with actors engaged in the defense of the health system or working life, with the support of doctors, scientists and economists, appeal to the members of the Defense Council to avoid the most possible the threat of “stop and go”.

This implies betting on a more solid strategy than the redefined “test-trace-isolate” system, accompanied by a system of support and support for all persons, index cases and contact cases, which must be protected to meet a time of complete restriction. of their movements and contacts, and then isolate themselves for a minimum of 7 days, and hope for a device that meets the challenges.

We offer 4 sizes:

– The development of antigen screening tests on a large scale, possibly followed by confirmation with RT-PCR tests.

– The implementation of a complete restriction on travel and visits, index cases and contact cases, under control and reduced to the time of contagiousness (from 7 to 15 days maximum depending on the case), with isolation in suitable conditions.

– Accompaniment and support for subjects who tested positive, with or without symptoms of Covid-19, as well as contact cases if necessary, offering a protected space made available to them as needed and taking into account their living conditions. This support is understood in terms of maintaining material resources (wages or salaries), an obligation to provide a comfortable place of residence, a permanent bond with a support person responsible for ensuring access to care, supplies and comfort. and maintaining ties with the family, etc. all to obtain real individual and collective protection. This system needs to find its place and be linked, if necessary, with Health Insurance Contact Covid’s strengthened monitoring teams. It can count on a network of volunteers such as the one developed within Covisan.

– The Tousanticovid application, deployed more voluntarily in the name of public health, they could also help regain greater social freedom.

These measures should be maintained over time until a sufficient degree of collective immunity is achieved or the epidemic disappears.

Of course, the encouragement of teleworking, the protection of vulnerable people, the organization of school hours, the reduction of the use of transport, etc. they must be continued; these measures may vary depending on the speed of circulation of the virus and therefore on the degree of control of the epidemic thanks to measures to completely limit the circulation of positive cases and identified contact cases.

The success of a “test-trace-island-protect” system and respect for barrier gestures will only be possible with enlightened citizens, fully involved and actors in the fight against the pandemic. Understanding, readability and appropriation of current measures remain particularly weak.

A significant information and education effort is essential.

The associations, which represent patients and healthcare users, are ready to join their efforts with professionals, doctors, scientists and economists and call for the mobilization of all.

A rigorous individual restriction of movements and contacts, accompanied by good protection for a few days, in a safe, adequate and accepted framework, is better than a new generalized and long confinement of an entire population in the face of high collective risks.

The signatories: France Assos Santé, with the support of: Axel Kahn, president of the League Against Cancer, professor of medicine and researcher, geneticist; William Dab, professor at the Cnam chair of hygiene and safety, professor of public health, and former director of the DGS; Vincent Maréchal, professor of virology at the Sorbonne University, researcher at the Saint-Antoine research center in Paris; Mady Denantes, general practitioner in a health center in Paris, lecturer in access to care and supervisor of university internships.

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