the calendar of vaccination campaigns in Europe and France


Given the applications for authorization in progress, or in progress, and the production of vaccine doses just started, the European Medicines Agency, which has six or seven vaccines available in 2021, suggests a probable distribution “in January” . But some countries say they are ready to launch their vaccination campaigns as early as December.

>>> Vaccines against Covid-19: effectiveness, availability … All we know

In December in the UK and Germany

However, according to the Daily Telegraph, the UK is expected to approve Pfizer / BioNTech’s vaccine by the end of this week. Vaccination could therefore begin in early December, before the United States, where the date of December 10 was brought forward.

The device also seems ready in Germany, which is only waiting for vaccines. Chancellor Angela Merkel last week presented the detailed plan for a campaign that will start in mid-December.

Exhibition center, concert hall, velodrome … A hundred centers are already operational. The highly organized vaccination course will allow people to be taken care of in two minutes, with spaces to observe vaccinated people for about thirty minutes.

In January in Spain and Italy

Spain will launch its Covid-19 vaccination program in January, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said Sunday. “A very substantial part of the Spanish population will be able to be vaccinated, with all the guarantees, during the first semester”. The system plans to open 13,000 vaccination centers across the country for which health professionals will be recruited in order to strengthen the health system.

In Italy, Health Minister Roberto Esperanza announced an unprecedented campaign starting from the end of January, and first aimed at the 1.7 million Italians most at risk. A tender was just launched on Monday for the purchase of needles and syringes.

France is ready in January

After publishing its first recommendations for a vaccination strategy, the Alta Autorité de santé will complete an extensive consultation with patient associations and healthcare professionals at the end of November. Its new recommendations, which will take into account changes in the epidemic and the results of candidate vaccines, will be published in mid-December.

It is then up to the government to define the modalities of the vaccination campaign, which will probably start in early January, relying on the local network of municipal doctors, pharmacies and home nurses.

Some cities are still considering the possibility of making spaces available for vaccination centers. The City of Paris announced that five sites will be requirements to allow vaccination of the priority public upon “CPAM convocation”. Nursing staff, also a priority, would be treated in dedicated centers.

However, HA warns. “These first vaccines are effective in preventing severe forms of the disease, but today they have no effect on transmission.” This progress against the Covid-19 epidemic would therefore not allow to stop the spread of the virus, but would limit its most virulent effects.

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