The World Health Organization praises the Egyptian vaccination system


Dr Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, met Dr Ahmed Al-Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, and Dr Naima Al-Qusayr, Representative of the World Health Organization in Egypt, at the headquarters of the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean in Cairo. Discuss strengthening preventive measures against vaccination target diseases, coinciding with the emergence of some outbreaks of certain vaccination-targeted diseases in neighboring countries.

This took place in the presence of Dr. Muhammad Awad Tajuddin, advisor to the President of the Republic for health affairs, of Dr. Muhammad Hassani, assistant to the minister for public health initiatives, of Dr. Alaa Eid, head of the preventive medicine sector, and of a number of experts and consultants of the organization.

Dr Khaled Mujahid, the Minister of Health and Population’s Advisor for Media Affairs and the Ministry’s official spokesperson, said the minister stressed during the meeting the importance of cooperation with the World Health Organization on recommendations and the technical skills needed to keep Egypt polio-free by strengthening the mandatory vaccination system and strengthening the surveillance system. Environmental protection of polioviruses, as Egypt was the first country to initiate an environmental surveillance system, support preventive decision-making at the national level, and continue national programs and campaigns for polio vaccination.

Mujahid added that the meeting coincided with the emergence of a series of polio cases in some neighboring countries due to the conditions these countries are experiencing, noting that the minister confirmed Egypt’s readiness to support the fraternal countries and to transfer his experience in the field of vaccination and surveillance to all friendly and neighboring countries.

Mujahid added that the minister called on the regional office and the national office of the World Health Organization in Egypt to cooperate with the Ministry of Health to prepare a technical report with recommendations and guidance necessary to maintain the strength of the vaccination systems. and surveillance in Egypt.

In a related context, Dr Ahmed Al-Mandhari commended the efforts of Dr Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, to improve the health system in Egypt and activate the national polio vaccination program for all Egyptian and non-Egyptian children. Egyptians, indicating the initiation of a regional strategy in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. To eradicate polio in the countries of the region, in collaboration with Egypt, for its central role and a prominent position among the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean region.

For her part, Dr Naima Al-Qusayr, representative of the World Health Organization in Egypt, confirmed the success of the national vaccination program in Egypt, praising the procedures to strengthen the environmental surveillance system for polio through prevention teams at the Ministry of Health, and vaccinating all children through a series of national polio vaccination campaigns, which is carried out by the Ministry in all parts of the Republic.

Dr Mohamed Awad Taj El-Din, the president’s advisor for health affairs, reviewed the measures taken by Egypt to eradicate polio through the national vaccination program, indicating that Egypt had some cases of polio in 2002 and the national vaccination campaign was successful. Polio, which was launched from the age of one to 5 in achieving the declaration of polio-free Egypt in 2006, and since that time Egypt has maintained the continuation of the national polio vaccination program.

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