Ana Karina Soto says goodbye to RCN entertainment


The host, who became famous in 2002 when she starred in the reality show “Protagonistas de Novela” on that channel, lasted nearly two decades as part of the Entertainment team.

However, a few days ago he confessed that he spoke to RCN News director Juan Lozano, because he wanted to take a new approach to his career and the perfect opportunity was the restructuring of entertainment news, thanks to the premiere of ‘Superlike’ , Once again. space that will be led by Valerie Domínguez.

Ana Karina has proposed to change and inform the human part of the country, although it is not yet known when it will air, but this Monday was the day she greeted the section. The host appeared on the news set wearing a long red dress, which she cut with a black belt and paired with black boots.

Later, Felipe Arias welcomed her and confirmed that this does not represent Ana Karina’s exit from the channel, but that she will move on to “other assignments”. Immediately, her partner on set, Maritza Aristizábal, showered her with compliments:

“You are the most. You have marked a very important era in the entertainment of this country and you remain here in this great journalistic house to take a big step forward and a transformation”.

Then they paid tribute to her by recalling some moments of the presenter on the air, and expressed their love and admiration for her partner, who recently told the love story with her partner.

A few seconds later, with a broken voice and tears, Ana Karina showed her happiness and thanked her colleagues for their support, which she considers a family:

“I am convinced that in order to grow it is not necessary to go to another place, to another house. You can grow right here and I am deeply grateful to Juan Lozano ”.

Here you can relive the moment when the presenter greeted herself to applause from the RCN Channel entertainment set:

Premiere of “Superlike” in RCN News

This Monday, November 23, at the 7pm broadcast, it was Juan Lozano himself who welcomed Valerie Domínguez to lead the new animation team on set.

The former queen, who recently introduced Miss Universe Colombia and left viewers ecstatic, is part of the group of women with whom the channel has launched a new bet for news and interviews with celebrities and celebrities from Colombia.

So, it was the host who was tasked with introducing the rest of her team:


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