Protect yourself from Coronavirus infection with 8 preventive methods


Corona virus is still a life-threatening epidemic, as it has led to the deaths of many around the world and the infection of many, and until now, scientists are still looking for a treatment or vaccine to prevent Corona virus and save people from its dangers, so now we can only follow preventive methods to limit the spread of the Corona infection and its risks, especially for the elderly and people with chronic diseases, and according to the World Health Organization, there are some methods which is always recommended to follow to prevent the Corona virus, namely:

1: Wash your hands often and use soap and water for 20 seconds, or use an alcohol solution to sterilize your hands..

2: Keep a safe distance from anyone who coughs or sneezes, with the use of handkerchiefs to cover their nose and mouth.

3: You must wear a muzzle when you leave the house, especially in crowded and enclosed places.

4: Do not touch the eyes, nose or mouth.

5: Make sure you cover your nose and mouth with your elbow with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

6: Stay home if you feel bad.

7: See your doctor if you have fever, cough, and breathing difficulties.

8: Beware of eating healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals that work to strengthen the immune system.

You should contact your doctor before going to him so that he can quickly direct you to the appropriate care facility and this helps protect you and avoid the spread of viruses and other diseases.


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