a greater dose of marketing than science


Bothered by a cough, are you tempted by one of those over-the-counter syrups at the pharmacy? Not so fast: Scientific research is far from proving the effectiveness of these products.

In fact, since the 2000s, this research has not been able to find obvious advantages to cough syrups over a placebo.

A doubt about codeine

For example, in 2007, a review of the literature raised doubts about the effectiveness of one of the ingredients, codeine, long considered the quintessential cough suppressant.

In general, codeine is no more effective at suppressing cough than placebo, nor is dextromethorphan, another key ingredient.

Studies in children also concluded that neither dextromethorphan nor diphenhydramine (Benadryl) was more effective than a placebo: the lack of evidence precluded or discouraged the use of acute cough medications in patients. ‘child.

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