The season has not started and the baseball league is already reporting positive cases


When it made the announcement this Monday 23-N, the LVBP did not specify how many are the infections, nor if they are players affected by covid-19.

Web writing

Although the voice of the play ball has not even been sung yet, the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League (Lvbp) announced on Monday, November 23, via its website, that “after carrying out PCR tests on players, technicians and related personnel (…) the first results have produced some positive cases “of covid-19.

The body that governs professional baseball in the country, however, has not specified whether those affected by the virus are players, members of the technical staff or people connected to the tournament; scheduled for Friday 27 November.

Last Wednesday 18-N, the councilors of the LVBP, in collaboration with the representative of the national government, the Minister of Sport Mervin Maldonado, announced that the presence of spectators will be allowed up to a maximum of 30 percent of the stadium capacity in the baseball season.

They assured at that press conference that the tournament will comply with biosecurity standards to avoid contagion of covid-19.

The announcement of the LVBP does not cease to cause concern, since the National Executive announced on Sunday 22-N that from this Monday 23-N the last week of “radical quarantine” has begun and that the entire month of December it will be “safe to relax” In other words, more sectors of the country will be allowed full activity.

Below is the statement published by the LVBP:

“The Venezuelan Professional Baseball League, in keeping with its tradition of seriousness and responsibility, is committed to informing the public of the following:

1. In compliance with the provisions of the international organizations to which we belong, and with our obligations, with the support of the Ministry of Sport and Health, we proceeded to carry out PCR tests on players, technicians and related personnel.

2. The first results have produced some positive cases.

3. People in this condition comply with their respective protocols, perform the corresponding isolation and are under medical supervision.

4. So far there are no cases warranting hospitalization, nor are there any complications that arise.

5. We will continue to monitor the situation closely, and will take appropriate measures to limit the spread of any outbreaks of infections, the situation so far seems limited to cases with positive results in the tests carried out “.


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