AXON has positive results of the potential drug ACmab1 against COVID-19


Bratislava, Nov 23 (OTS) – AXON Neuroscience (“Axon”), a biotechnology company in clinical trials and a world leader in the development of tau vaccines for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, announces that it has successfully tested the first therapeutic antibodies to SARS-Cov- 2.

During the development of the COVIDAX vaccine against the infectious disease COVID-19, Axon Neuroscience has succeeded in developing antibodies that can effectively prevent the multiplication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Using antibodies that have proven their effectiveness in several independent tests, the company was able to map the virus vulnerabilities available to the immune system.

Michal Fresser, CEO of Axon, said: “Our company’s concept is based on independent research, which is not subject to trends, but goes its own way. As a result, we are pleased to announce today that we have been able to identify antibodies that may have a therapeutic effect. in patients with confirmed COVID-19. In addition to the COVIDAX vaccine, our ambition is to bring drugs to the market that can stop or alleviate the infectious disease COVID-19. This would significantly alleviate the health system, which is the most severely affected by the pandemic. We have decided to open our project to ordinary investors through the investment website (, because as before, we want to build Slovak science independently of political pressure and multinationals “.

ACmab1 (COVIMAX) – neutralizing antibodies against COVID-19

ACmab1 is a therapeutic candidate for the treatment of the COVID-19 infectious disease. The antibodies can target key portions of the viral protein S, preventing the virus from interacting with target host cells, preventing the virus from replicating.

Statement by Norbert Žilka, scientific director of Axon: “During the development of the vaccine, we were able to prepare antibodies that we used to map vulnerabilities of the COVID-19 virus. Some of them were able to completely eliminate the virus and thus demonstrate their therapeutic potential. We have confirmed their effectiveness in many other conceptually different tests that we have developed in our workplace. In the next step, we will focus on the humanization process and then we will start the manufacturing process. These steps are necessary to start a clinical trial. “

The antibody test is performed at the Virology Institute of the Biomedical Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, where the efficacy of selected candidate antibodies is tested directly on live SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is propagated in cell cultures. The results of these tests showed that the antibodies were able to effectively prevent the virus from interacting with the host cell and thus prevent it from multiplying.

RNDr. Boris Klempa, DrSc, Institute of Virology BMC, SAS added: “In this collaboration, we use a test called Plaque-Reduction Neutralization Test. The test must take place in our specialized laboratory with Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3), as we work directly with the infectious virus SARS-CoV-2, especially our isolate. BMC5. The study is carried out in a strictly blinded mode, so we only receive numbered samples from colleagues, which we then evaluate in terms of their ability to neutralize the virus, that is, the ability to prevent the virus from infecting cells. We observed neutralizing activity. very clear in many of these blinded samples “.

About Axon Neuroscience

Axon Neuroscience is a clinical trial biotech company and a pioneer in the development of peptide vaccines against previously incurable brain diseases. The company was founded in 1999 and today has the largest team exclusively specializing in the development of peptide vaccines against Alzheimer’s disease in the world. Scientific studies by Axon team members have been published in leading scientific journals such as Lancet Neurology or Neurology.

Axon’s leading vaccine, AADvac1, is the most clinically advanced vaccine under development for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. At the end of 2019 Axon successfully completed II. phase of a clinical trial of AADvac1 in nearly 200 patients with Alzheimer’s disease. More than 80% of patients treated with Alzheimer’s disease showed an excellent immune response. The vaccine stimulated the production of large amounts of antibodies. The therapy was able to slow the neurodegeneration process in treated patients by nearly 60%. AADvac1 was safe and well tolerated by patients.

Thanks to extensive knowledge and decades of work on immunotherapeutic development, Axon set out to respond quickly to a global pandemic and create a new peptide vaccine against COVID-19 and antibodies with a potential therapeutic effect.


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