Five signs that your appearance could mean you have more severe skin cancer


Melanoma cancer is known as the most dangerous type of skin cancer because it can spread faster to other organs if not treated early enough.

Melanoma cancer is described as developing in the skin melanocytes, which are responsible for the color of the skin, known as melanocytes.

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As this is the most dangerous type of skin cancer, it is essential to get an early diagnosis and this requires a good knowledge of the most common symptoms of the disease. Therefore, the website of the British newspaper “Express” reveals the five signs that indicate the possibility of skin cancer.

The Mayo Clinic Medical Foundation shows five signs of melanoma:

Large brown spot with dark spots.

A mole that changes color, size or feel, or is bleeding.

A small lesion with irregular edges and portions that appear red, pink, white, blue or dark blue.

A painful sore that itches or burns.

Dark lesions on the palms, fingertips, feet, or mucous membranes that line the mouth, nose, vagina, or anus.

What are the causes of skin cancer?

Melanoma cancer occurs in the upper layer of the skin, which produces a pigment called melanin that gives the skin its color.

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There are two types of melanin: normal melanin and filomelanin.

When the skin is damaged by UV rays, melanocytes produce more melanin and normal melanin tries to protect the skin by making it darken or darken.

Skin cancer occurs when the DNA from this tanning or burning due to UV rays is damaged.

It leads to an alteration of the melanocytes and this leads to uncontrolled cell growth.

How is skin cancer prevented?

Prevention is always better than cure, because melanoma requires surgery and can recur after removal.

Skin cancer cannot always be prevented, but the chances of developing it can be reduced by avoiding sunburn.

And you should be very careful to avoid tanning beds and sunlamps, especially if your skin is pale and has moles.

Certain factors beyond your control can increase your risk of developing skin cancer. For example, if a parent or sibling has had melanoma, there may be an increased risk.

Although people of any skin tone can develop skin cancer, those with fair skin are more likely to develop it.

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Likewise, if you have naturally blonde or red hair, light eyes and freckles, or easily sunburn, you are more at risk than anyone with dark skin.

Regularly examining the skin and knowing what to look for can lead to earlier diagnosis and a better chance of treatment success.

Skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, on normal skin or on a mole. In men, melanoma tends to develop more commonly on the face or trunk. In women, melanoma most often affects the lower legs.

Skin cancer is most commonly found in dark-skinned people on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and under the nails or toes.

Source: Express

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