After the death of “Dora’s” brother at the “beginning of the line” … a psychiatrist warns of the broken heart syndrome


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The first episode of the story of “Awal Al-line” within the tales of the series “Ina Ana” currently airing on the channel “DMC” saw the death of her husband a week after the departure of his wife, who died in an accident. Cases realistically.
The series, starring Dora, and the idea of ​​writer Yusri Al-Fakharani and written by Abeer Suleiman, Dr. Ibrahim Magdy, the psychiatrist and psychological counselor at work, explained that severe pain can lead to death.
“Hussein” said: There is a study titled “Sadness, Depression and Inflammation in Marriage Complaints” in an upcoming issue of “Psychoneuroendocrinology,” which studies the effect of pain on human health and builds on previous laboratory research. by Chris Fagunds, assistant professor of psychological sciences at Rice University and the lead author of the study, who studied risk factors for inflammation.

Tale of the first of the line

And he continued with statements to Al-Masry Al-Youm: Rice researchers conducted interviews and examined the blood of 99 people whose husbands had recently died, and compared people who had symptoms of intense pain – as regret for the deceased, difficulty moving forward, a feeling that life has no meaning and an inability to accept the truth. Loss – by those who did not exhibit these behaviors, and researchers found that widows and widows with high pain symptoms had higher levels of physical inflammation, up to 17%, and people in the upper third of that group they had a 53.4% ​​higher level of inflammation than the lower third. Of the group that developed these symptoms.
Hussein added: “Previous research has shown that inflammation contributes to almost all diseases in late adulthood, and we also know that depression is associated with higher levels of inflammation and that those who have lost their wives run a high. risk of severe depression, heart attacks and stroke “. Cerebrovascular disease and premature death, however, this is the first study to confirm this sadness, regardless of people’s levels of depressive symptoms, and can promote inflammation, which in turn can cause negative health outcomes.
This discovery is a major revelation in the study of how human behaviors and activities affect inflammation levels in the body and adds to a growing body of work on how bereavement affects health, and his initial work has shown why those who were widowers are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease and physical symptoms. And early death by comparing inflammation in bereaved individuals with identical controls. “This work shows who is most at risk of those who have lost,” Fagunds explained. “Now that we know these two main findings, we can design interventions to address this risk factor in people most at risk through behavioral or pharmacological approaches.”
“Hussein” referred to the study’s co-authors, graduate students of psychological sciences at Rice, Ryan Brown and Michael Chen, Kyle Murdock, associate professor of biobehavioral health at Pennsylvania State University and a former postdoctoral researcher at the Vagonds Laboratory. by Rice; Levi’s sauce.
He explained: Broken heart syndrome is a temporary heart condition that often occurs after stressful situations and intense emotions, and the condition can occur as a result of severe physical illness or serious surgery. It can also be called stress cardiomyopathy, takotsubo cardiomyopathy, or apical hypertrophy syndrome, and people with broken heart syndrome may experience sudden chest pain or are about to have a heart attack and broken heart syndrome affects only part of the cardiac muscle; This temporarily stops the heart’s normal pumping function while the rest of the heart muscle is still functioning normally or there may be stronger contractions.
He pointed out that the exact cause of broken heart syndrome is unclear, but it is believed that increased stress hormones, such as adrenaline, can temporarily damage the heart in some people, and it is not entirely clear how these hormones harm. the heart and whether other factors are responsible.
Temporary narrowing of the heart’s large or small arteries is suspected to play a role, and people who develop broken heart syndrome may also have a different heart muscle.
He explained: Broken heart syndrome usually occurs after a severe physical or emotional experience, and here are some of the possible causes of broken heart syndrome:
The death of a loved one.
A scary medical diagnosis.
Family persecution.
Losing or even earning a lot of money.
Engage in serious verbal disagreements.
Surprise celebrations.
Speak in front of an audience.
Loss of work or financial difficulties.

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