Mysterious spots on the sides cause confusion


PS5 fans are wondering what the fuzzy spots on their consoles might be.
PS5 fans are wondering what the confusing spots could be on their consoles.

Some PS5 fans have been wondering about weird spots on their consoles. These mysterious discolorations appear to appear on the side wings of the PlayStation 5 and are relatively dark. Often they can only be seen if the light hits them from a right angle or if the points are viewed from a certain perspective. PS5 owners are now wondering what it could be.

Strange points on the PS5 make fans guess

Here’s what it looks like: Some people discover weird spots on their newly purchased PS5 consoles. Apparently, some are doing this, as the reactions corresponding to the posts show. They also make it clear that most of the people affected were initially very irritated and thought they may have caused the stains themselves or that it could be dirty.

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But dirt doesn’t seem to be the case. Instead, it seems more like the nyterial discoloration is related to the material the PS5 plates were made from. Or some commentators write that the smudges may have been caused by processing when folding and curving the PS5’s side panels.

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It almost looks like it has to do with some sort of heat build-up. In the comments, one person noted that the discoloration looked like a person was holding a lighter or candle flame.

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Most comments believe that the near-unnoticeable stains may have been caused by the manufacturing process and are not a cause for concern. Some fans are considering and trying to get Sony to send them new side panels.

Anyone tinkering with a chic custom design for the PlayStation 5 should at least not notice the underlying discoloration. But of course this is also a lot of effort and you should be very careful.

Have you noticed similar spots or discoloration on PS5? What do you think where it came from or what could it be?

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