A Jordanian decision opposes “World Health” recommendations regarding one of the drugs used to treat “Corona”



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Today, Friday, the Kingdom of Jordan issued a decision regarding one of the drugs used to treat the “Corona” virus that causes “Covid 19”.

The Jordanian channel “Kingdom” quoted the Deputy Secretary General for Health Affairs of the Jordanian Ministry of Health, Ghazi Sharkas, as saying that the use of remdesivir is “optional” and its use is also due to the attending physician.

Sharkas continued, “Remdesivir is an optional treatment within the treatment protocol, which was developed by the Treatment Committee issued by the Epidemiology Committee, and it was agreed that treatment is optional and its use is due to the discretion of the doctor”.

On Friday, a committee of the World Health Organization recommended that the drug remdesivir made by Gilead Sciences should not be used in the treatment of “Covid-19” patients in hospitals, regardless of the degree of their disease.

The committee said “there is no evidence that it improves the chances of survival or reduces the need for ventilators.”

Although the Jordanian official acknowledged that his country used “remdesivir,” he agreed with the World Health Report, saying, “The Health Organization conducted a study of 12,000 people who received remdesivir, and the study revealed things that are not encouraging about the drug, which means that there is no double benefit in giving the drug, let’s say. As an optional treatment. “

He went on to say, “We will take the recommendations from the World Health Organization Committee and present them to the Epidemiology Committee and the Treatment Committee, and make the appropriate decision.”

Sharkas added: “The drug does not have a clear effect on reducing the number of deaths or delaying patient entry into intensive care rooms.”

But the Jordanian official returned and said: “There is a study on remdesivir treatment, the number of which is limited, indicating that there is a benefit from this drug that reduces the ICU stay rate for a few days.” .

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