in this place for the elderly it is difficult to impose the mask on visitors


During the first confinement, visits were banned in Tauvrais, a long-term geriatric institution dependent on the CHU and located north of Rennes. But this time they are authorized by appointment and each visitor must register in a register and be accompanied to the patient. This welcome is difficult for the staff on a daily basis because some visitors, coming to visit their relatives, refuse to wear their masks. “Every day people should be asked to wash their hands or wear masks appropriately“regrets Stéphanie a caregiver” qWhen we ask them to respect barrier gestures, we are insulted, sometimes we are threatened. It gets complicated“.

At the first wave we were rather cheered. Now we can be insulted – Stéphanie caregiver

Stéphanie (nursing assistant) on the left and Coralie (nurse)
Stéphanie (nursing assistant) on the left and Coralie (nurse) © Radio France
Loïck Guellec

More Covid Patients

The nursing staff of La Tauvrais also asks to wear FFP2 masks and not surgical masks as is currently the case. Caregivers and nurses, who number 50 on the site, feel insufficiently protected. However, since the beginning of the second wave there have been many cases of Covid. “In the first wave, we were able to isolate coronavirus patients“Coralie explains a nurse”this time they are more numerous and we find them in various services, geriatrics, medicine in particular, even if obviously they are not in contact with non-Covid patients. But it’s really more complicated for us “.

The institution must manage its second cluster in a few weeks. No death is to be deplored.

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